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March 24, 2023

Charlie's POV

I woke up at 7:30 and got a shower before getting dressed for class. I put on some jeans and my yellow Comfort Colors shirt. I did my hair and makeup and put my engagement ring on. I packed my school stuff and stopped at Starbucks on my way to campus. I met up with Jayden in the lounge and we walked to our first class. I had a mid-day shift at the campus store after my second class. I finished my final class before Jayden was done with hers, so I chilled in the lounge and got some work done while I waited.

"Hey, I'm here. You ready?"

I look up and see Jayden walk over.

"Yeah, let's go."

We got in my car and drove to the mall. I needed to get a dress for my cousin's wedding next month and I don't have anything to wear that isn't the color scheme they're doing, which is light purple and light blue.

"I also need to stop at Macy's and view the registry because I can't view it online for some reason," I say when we get to the mall.

"Sounds good. I need to stop at Bath and Body Works because I'm out of some things," she says.

"I'll head to Macy's and view the registry while you do that."

We walk inside and head off in different directions. I view the registry and buy the gift I decided on. Jayden meets up with me at the check-out and we look at the dresses.

"What about this one," she asks, holding up a pale yellow, halter dress.

"I'm wearing yellow for the dance," I say.

"That's right."

We look at a few other stores and come up empty.

"I still have a month until the wedding, so it's not the end of the world," I say as we walk to the food court.

"Yeah, but still. It's better to be prepared early. Especially since we're gonna be in Savannah for a few days."

"Maybe I'll find something in Georgia," I shrug.

We get dinner from Panera and head back to Jayden's dorm to watch the game. After the game, I went back to my house and went to bed.

March 27, 2023

I woke up and did some chores around the house before getting dressed for my class this afternoon.

I woke up and did some chores around the house before getting dressed for my class this afternoon

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I stopped at Panda Express for lunch on my way to campus and ate in the car. I walked to my class and sat in the back with Jayden. I stopped at the store for a few things before heading home. I got started on dinner and FaceTimed Dalton while I cooked.

"Hey, what's up?"

"Not much. Just got back from the field."

"Nice. I just got home not too long ago."

"Where'd you go?"

"I had a class this afternoon and had to pick up a few things at the store on my way home."

"Cool. You making dinner?"

"Yeah, just a simple taco salad. Jayden came over the other day and we had tacos and we ended up with leftovers."

"Fun. I can't wait for next weekend."

"Neither can I. Jayden and I are really looking forward to it. Oh! Did Tanner tell you that she and him are talking?"

"What? No way! I'm glad he's getting back out there."

"Yeah, me too. For both of them. I'm just worried that Tanner will fuck up and Jayden's gonna get hurt again."

"Understandable. Especially with what happened last time."

"Speaking of, the other day, she said that she heard he got arrested," I say, popping a piece of tomato in my mouth.

"For what? Not that I'm mad about it."

"Stalking. I couldn't stand the guy."

"Neither could I the few times I interacted with him."

"That's fair. But give him the short of it. Tell him about the restraining order and that he's now in jail. And to be careful. I know how he gets sometimes."

"Yeah, I will. So, where are we going to dinner on the fifth?"

"Um, maybe Tequila's?"

"Dan and Alyssa really like The Public Kitchen and Bar."

"Let's do that. It's not crazy expensive and it's casual enough you guys could probably just go in your practice clothes."

"I'll talk to the others and let you know what we decide."

"Sounds good. I'll talk to Jay and see what sounds good to her since it's her first time in Savannah. I'm also gonna text Alyssa and see if she wants to do a mall trip with the others to see if I can find something for this wedding because I don't wanna wear purple or blue because those are the colors and the only dresses I own."

"There are some really cute things down here. I almost bought you something the other day while I was out getting stuff for my guitar."

"Wait until it gets closer to my birthday, dude."

"Yeah, yeah."

I finish making my salad and move to the couch, placing my tripod on the coffee table and turning the TV on.

"So, get this. I have three papers due the day after I get back from Savannah."

"That sucks. Are you and Jayden staying with us or do you want me to see if one of the other guys has room since our place is pretty small?"

"We'll stay with you and Tanner. I'm sure he won't mind giving up his bed for Jayden and I'll sleep with you."

We laugh and I scroll through the channels on TV.

"If things are going the way I'm picking up, he won't. He's always smiling when he's on his phone. He keeps shrugging it off when I ask."

"Yeah, I'd wager he's gonna have a girlfriend by the end of the season if they both play their cards right."

"Oh, definitely. I'd even say sooner maybe."

"Maybe. We'll let fate take control and if it's meant to be, it's meant to be. If it's not, it's not."

"Yep. At least they get to meet in person next week."

"There is that. She's been pretty happy with the conversations they've been having, so that's good."

"It is. Alright, I have an early practice tomorrow and I'm pretty sure you have classes."

"Yep. Alright, hey, we need to start planning this wedding."

"Let's get through graduation and your birthday and then we can start talking about that. We've only been engaged for almost two weeks."

"Alright. I love you."

"Love you, too."

I hang up and finish my dinner. I clean up the kitchen and head to bed.

Miss You, Love You /// D. MauldinWhere stories live. Discover now