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February 11, 2023

Charlie's POV

I woke up to my alarm and layed in bed for an extra twenty minutes. I rolled out of bed and showered for my one class that I have today. I ate breakfast and got dressed.

I head to campus after stopping at Starbucks

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I head to campus after stopping at Starbucks. After class, I went to the store for some things for the next few weeks. I went back to the house and finalized a few things for when I head to Savannah for the home opener. Our four-year anniversary falls on that weekend and I'm flying down to Georgia to surprise Dalton. I unpacked everything I bought and Dalton called while I was doing some school work.

"Hey, what's up?"

"Not much. Just got back from the gym."

"I'm just doing some school stuff and ordering my cap and gown because I forgot to see my advisor about that yesterday."

"Fun. So I was thinking about driving up to Nash for our anniversary on the 26th."

"No, you need to stay in Savannah. I'm gonna mail your gift and we can open them over FaceTime."

"Alright. I was hoping we could go to Saddlebags after the game or up to Tybee the day after."

"Me, too. But we can always do something in Texas."

"Yeah, but that's almost a month away."

"I know but with school and you being in a different city every week, it's hard."

"Yep. Alright, well, me and the guys are going out tonight. I just wanted to see your face before we left. Love you."

"Love you, too. I'll talk to you tomorrow."

I hang up and do some more work before making dinner. I watch a movie while I eat and clean the kitchen before going to bed.

February 15, 2023

Dalton and I FaceTimed last night while we opened each other's Valentine's Day gifts. I woke up this morning and got dressed for class.

 I woke up this morning and got dressed for class

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Miss You, Love You /// D. MauldinWhere stories live. Discover now