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Lisa is seen sweating like crazy, hands covered with boxing gloves. She's right now sparring with a punching bag, while listening to music.

All you could hear is Lisa's heavy breathing and her punches.

A door opens, Seulgi pokes her head in, "Lisa, I know you've been working since this morning, but you need to have your breakfast. Like you said, its the most important meal of the day."

However, Lisa still continues to bully the punching bag.

Seulgi squints her eyes and noticed she has her air pods on.

She sighs, "Figures."

She walks in front of the punching bag, so that Lisa could see her.

But, Lisa did one final punch that sent the punching bag, hitting Seulgi on the face and stumbling to the floor.

Lisa eyes widen, "Seulgi!"

Lisa quickly removes her air pods before helping Seulgi up.

"Argh! My nose!" Seulgi wince in pain.

"I'm so sorry, didn't see you."

"I think its broken." Seulgi said.

Lisa examines her nose, "It doesn't look crooked nor is it bleeding."

Seulgi rolls her eyes at her best friend.

"Anyway, why are you interrupting my work out session?" Lisa asked her.

"I was calling you to have your breakfast, Bambam cooked bacon and pancakes." Seulgi said.

Lisa exhaled, "You're telling me to eat like a king after working out? Then that means its useless."

Seulgi rolls her eyes, "Even if you eat a lot you don't get fat. Remember what you said? Breakfast is the most-"

"Important meal of the day." Lisa finishes her sentence.

"See? Now come on. I'm pretty sure you've been working out since five in morning."

Lisa watches Seulgi leave the room. She sighs and removes her boxing gloves. Grabs a face towel and wipe all of her sweat.


After taking a bath, Lisa went to the dining area and saw Seulgi and Bambam having breakfast.

"Good morning, Lisa." Bambam said while munching on a pancake.

"Morning." Lisa said while pouring herself a cup of coffee then heading to the table to grab her food.

"So, what's on your mind?" Bambam asked.

Lisa raises a brow, "What do you mean?"

Bambam bites on a crispy bacon before continuing, "You usually work out a lot when you are stress or and when you got a lot on your mind."

"Hmm, I was able to catch and kill a demon last night." Lisa said.

Bambam and Seulgi stopped on munching on their food.

"Really? Where did you find it?" Bambam asked.

"I followed it to a high end subdivision."

"Was there any witnesses?" Seulgi asks.

"Only one. It followed her to her home, what's funny is that the girl wasn't scared. She literally followed the demon and it lured her to an alleyway. I was able to catch up before it could harm her." Lisa said.

Bambam took a sip of his coffee, "So, what made you stress?"

Lisa sighs, "This is the fourth sighting of a demon. Glad thing we know someone on the police force to notify us regarding these sightings."

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