An average first day

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Ayanokoji's POV 

It is the start of a new life for me, I am currently inside a bus in the direction of a specific place, the advanced nurturing high school or ANHS for short, it is supposed to be a school where any student who manage to graduate would be settled for life and be able to achieve any of their dreams.

Sounds a bit ridiculous if I were to be honest but I don't really need to focus too much on this point since I'm here for another reason.

What is normalcy? what does it mean to live a normal life, the last words I heard from Matsuo were to make many friends and to enjoy a normal life no he said to enjoy the life I was never able to get.

For this reason I plan on hiding myself as much as possible, I do not need to get the attention of anyone I just wish to understand a world I was never a part of.


I hear a loud sigh at my right, curious about that I look over there and see a boy my age holding his head with both his hands, noticing my gaze he looks up and smiles at me with what I assume is a shy smile.

His appearance was quite interesting, I could tell he was taller than me and his hair were a mix of blond hair on the majority of his head but the bottom part had black hair which gives him quite of a rough look.

" Ah sorry did I disturb you?

"Not really I was wondering why you sighed like that though" I answer him.

" Ha let's just say I'm worrying about something let's just say I was not expecting to be accepted in this school so  I didn't prepare correctly. "

" I don't really understand what you mean here. " his explication definitely didn't explain anything after all.

" Ahh right you see I was the student council president from my previous school and let's say I'm worried as the ones who are able to take over for me... are quite peculiar I'm basically praying that the school will still stand once I graduate... "

( I'll adress something here, it is impossible for zenkichi to be at the beginning of the first years, as when he enters Hakoniwa academy he is 15 the same age as Ayanokoji while from what I remember everything in medaka box happens in a single year, Zenkichi would become the student council of the school around half of the first year,  so please just accept this impossibility just for the story's sake... )

" ... you're joking I hope. " how in the world could this be a worry

" I wish, one of the candidates I fought during the election literally planned to change school uniform into a naked apron one and somehow he almost did it ... " He responds with a conflicted smile.

Surely I missheard I want to ask about this but he cuts my train of thoughts.

" Guess there is no use letting this drag me down, guess the only thing to do is to enjoy those few years  right? " he tells me with a smile.

I nod back but got curious about his wording.

" You're here to enjoy your stay here?  aren't you interested for the guarenteed success to find your dream job?" I ask him and he laugh a bit to the displeasure of my other neighbour who seemed to frown from the noise.

" To be fair I don't see how this is even remotely possible, there has to be a catch to this and truly I do have an objectif I plan to accomplish but I plan on doing this from my own effort not with the help of any kind. " he tells me with a confident smile

This statement surprised me quite a bit no that's not it what surprised me was his eyes, those were full of passion and determination something I probably never saw in my life and definitely not something I'am able to possess.

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