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the white haired boy, feels a certain panic for his roomate.

it's been constant a cyclical structure that can't be stopped. satoru can't stop it. he's meant to be the strongest yet this is out of his hands.

he would trade everything, to put suguru out of this pain and misery.

the excruciating and diminishing feeling the raven haired boy faces, when he indulges in the circular absorb containing the curse. every time he swallowed it, he had to force himself not to reject the disgusting taste lingering on his tongue.

he was weak. he vomited and vomited trying to erase the taste of death in his mouth but it was futile.

he was weak. he felt like nothing was working. he couldn't bare to spend time with his best friend anymore, whom he so happened to have a crush on.

he didn't want satoru to see him so weak, after all they are meant to be the strongest. right?

satoru sits next to suguru in the communal toilets, holding his hair back, and gently caressing his back.

"suguru, please can i call shoko? you aren't alright. you can't hide this..." the blue eyed boy looked with concern.

"please. satoru. leave me alone. i promise i'll be fine! leave me. i don't want you to see me like this." he continued to retch holding onto the other for support.

"why not? we're the strongest. we are meant to support each other..."

"you're the strongest." he lets out without a thought, he's been holding to this all by himself.

he never wanted to admit to satoru that he was acknowledging that they weren't strongest together, but in fact satoru has surpassed him. he was weak. that's why he told the one he so desperately wanted to fight alongside him, that he was weak.

"n-no suguru, look at me. you are not weak. we are strong together. you work so hard, and we are both special grades. don't degrade yourself suguru." he hugged the slouched man tightly.

suguru didn't say a word, however his back was leaned against the wall.

he looked an absolute mess, his shoulder length hair that hung in all directions, escaping the loose bun that so desperately hanged on. his bangs covered his beautiful deep purple eyes that still managed to shimmer.

even though, he looked his worst. satoru didn't care because as much as he hated to admit it. well afraid to admit it. he loved suguru.

satoru didn't want anyone to ever see suguru in this state so vulnerable and emotional a complete opposite of how he usually behaves.

he wants to be the only person to take care of suguru, and hold him close until he finally feels safe.

because that's his suguru. his one and fucking only. he doesn't need or want anybody else. the only one he can put him in his fucking place.

the only one who sees him as satoru. and not the heir of six eyes and limitless technique.

"you know. suguru. you know i love you." he finally admitted. it was low yet still audible.

no response was given.

"fuck suguru. why?" the blue eyed beauty, voice trembled a bit.

suguru was asleep, the exhaustion and strength it takes after absorbing a curse takes a toll on him.

satoru, decided to get a comb and gently combed it before tying it into a knot. he held the boy close to him.

"you're so fucking beautiful." i would tell you to your face, but i'm too much of a pussy to you. only. well. maybe shoko." he laughs.

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