you want me back?

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New chapter enjoy :) My public exams are approaching soon, so I can't guarantee weekly uploads but I'll try :)


The two boys were truly in love with each other, and they both knew it.

They'd go on dates, kiss each other, flirt with each other. The usual couple antics.

If you had asked anyone who was more lucky to have the other, everyone would say Gojo was more lucky to have Geto.

Not due to riches but due to looks and attributes.

Suguru was considerate and caring, always polite to others and open to help.

Not to mention he was a humble man, yet looked incredibly attractive. He had black hair just like majority of the world, but it was quite long and silky.

His unique pigmented purple eyes were enticing to look at, invoking someone to look deeper into those amethyst crystals.

And his tall height and even proportions with a muscular yet lean frame.

He was truly an enigma. A rare mystery that only comes across once in a lifetime.

Satoru himself was unorthodoxly attractive, due to his unique features.

However, his boyfriend was truly a work of art.

And that being said, once again if you asked someone who was more luckier to have the other.

Everyone would say Satoru but.

Satoru wouldn't have agreed with that statement. His actions show that opinion.

And you'll soon see why.


"What the fuck is this Satoru?" Suguru brings out a flip phone which belongs to Satoru.

With a series of receipts and messages.

"Why do you have my phone. Give it back!" The taller male began to walk towards Suguru attempting to corner him.

"Move away from me! You fucking dick! Answer the question." He yelled. Suguru was somewhat losing his composure.

"Well. It's my phone. Which you clearly have."

"Don't be stupid and make me look like I'm crazy! Satoru. Why do you have these whores on your phone that you're messaging?" The shorter male pushed the taller of the two away from him.

"I was. I don't know, bored. It was pointless. I didn't really care. about them." He shrugged, speaking nonchalantly as if he did not just cheat on his boyfriend.

"You seem to have cared. If in the messages you're saying you love them and that you bought them designer and shit. Then what was I to you? Why did you date me?"

"Fuck. It wasn't serious, I was just trying new shit out."

"Shouldn't I be enough?"

"Of course Suguru. You are enough. Trust me." He hugged his boyfriend tightly.

"Then why fucking cheat on me!" The intimate gesture was returned with a slap.

Suguru couldn't contain his feelings anymore. He was going to cry. He didn't want to, but his body rejected his pleads.

Tears streamed spilling down his eyes. He hardly showed signs of weakness such as crying.

But, he felt that pain. And it was too hard for him to trap inside of him.

Satoru hurt him. He left a footprint on Suguru's self-confidence.

Suguru trusted Satoru. So why cheat? What happened to the late night kisses and cuddles, where Satoru promised to offer Suguru the world.

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