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a/n: 6,000 word chapter, enjoy my kiddos :)

satoru's pov:

another day of being bored in this stupid school. i'm already going to be heir to the gojo clan, plus i have the six eyes technique.

i'm a fucking prodigy, who's existence, disrupted the balance of the world.

i am the epitome of power and i'm only 16 fucking years old.

let's not forget how rich i am, money is never an issue.

"hey gojo, i hear there's a new kid joining our classroom. apparently him and his parents moved here from the countryside." shoko told me while smoking a cigarette.

"a new kid huh. interesting." i start contemplating on how he could look like.

is he ugly? smart? funny? strong?

so many thoughts about him, i was excited to see who this guy could be...

i want to see him now.

shoko and i walk into the classroom, seems the new kid isn't here yet, and yaga isn't too.

it takes about 30 minutes, until we hear two footsteps.

it was him.

he looks nervous, he's playing with his fingers, and he's pretty too...

his hair is in a bun but the bangs are kinda weird, and he has purple eyes, which i've never seen before...

he's really. pretty.

"my name is suguru geto, i'm 15 and i'm excited to be friends with you guys, and be here!" his voice trembled a bit, as he smiled awkwardly.

"good job geto, why don't you socialise with your classmates a little bit. before we get into learning."

he awkwardly walked up to us both, and bowed his head to us.

"you don't need to bow, you're funny, the name is ieri shoko, 16 years old, nice to meet you." she smiled softly.

"o-oh, thanks!"

"my name is satoru gojo. 16." i speak cooly and nonchalantly.

"nice to meet you shoko and gojo, i hope to be great friends with you guys..."

"so, what brings you here geto?"

"i discovered recently, i could see things, my parents thought i was crazy. but it turns out, i'm a sorcerer! so i came to the school, to learn and practice sorcery!" he spoke softly, it's so smooth, it induces me to fall into a haze.

"that's cool." shoko says.

"what about you? how did you guys come to the school." he reciprocates the gesture of questioning.

"heir of the gojo clan, i always had to come here. i was destined for this shit already."

"gojo clan? sorry, i have no clue what that is..." he looked oddly confused.

that's fucking peculiar, everyone knows who we are, even without sorcery knowledge.

"nevermind..." i couldn't help but blush, out of sheer embarrassment on my behalf.

fuck. i've been so self-conceited and immature, not everyone knows me...

and he's one of them. shit.

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