my girlfriend

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this one is a rollercoaster :)

my girlfriend is beautiful, everything about her. her smile. her kindness and gentleness.

that fucking sexy body of hers, lean and muscular, yet all the right meat in the right places.

especially the chest area. oh her fucking chest. if i could live on it forever.

so, soft...and plump.

a fucking badass bitch. my girlfriend.

suguru geto.

"what the fuck are you daydreaming about satoru!" she flicked my head.

"ouch! suguru! i was thinking about you!"  i whined in pain.

"you're such a baby! you were thinking about me? what about me?" she smiled cutely.

snickering i told her "your boobs." it was the partial truth, i won't tell her all the lovey dovey shit.

"oh you fucking pervert! you're so obsessed with my boobs. you're even staring at it now!"

"well...they aren't flat. and it's quite obvious- that you have boobs."

"shut up! i'll kill you!"

"i'll kiss you." i smirked, giving her a peck.

"fuck you, dick."

"shut up, loser." i wrap my arms around her waist hugging her.

"you're such a weirdo, thinking of my boobs..."

"i don't care. call me a weirdo! i like them. they're big."

my sly statement caused suguru to blush violently.

she's definitely embarrassed.

"agh! i'm going to the room!" she left quickly.

she acts so tough, but she's still an awkward teenager.

that's my girlfriend for you.

i love her to the moon and back though, an absolutely beauty she is...


"hey babe, look at this meme i saw! it's hilarious." i show her this gym joke.

"that was so not funny and unrelatable. stop trying to brag to me. loser." she rolled her eyes.

"you're always so bitchy to me." i pouted.

"sorry...i didn't mean to be." concern started to drip through her words.

"n-no. don't worry. i love it about you. it's hot. and attractive..."

"so, it turns you on?" she smirked.

"perhaps." i smirked back.

"good to know. satoru." she kissed my forehead.

"want to make me something to eat, darling?" i batted my eyelashes innocently.

"what's with the pet names? because  you want me to cook for you?"


"what do you want then daddy?" she whispered in my ear.

"daddy? i like the sound of that." my eyes stared into hers. refusing to break such eye contact.

"what else do you like?"

"that ass. that chest. that body." my hands slowly trace along hers.

"you know what i like about you. satoru."

"tell me." i gently pulled her chin.

"those eyes. and your muscles. that's what i love."

"you fucking teaser, you going to make me some food?" i played with her hair.

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