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ENJOY ITS WHOLESOME TOWARDS THE END :) you may hate gojo for a bit but trust me let him cook.

Satoru Gojo. From one of the most respected,
greatest and richest clans the Gojo clan.

That being said, he's been spoiled from the day he was born. Not once has he needed to do any type of domestic work. It was all provided for him.

He never had to go hungry as there were personal chefs in his estate, awaiting to be beckoned by his call.

The only thing he needed to do, was do the cliché rich people vices. Such as, piano, sports, languages and being top tier in intellect.

But he's not just wealthy, but he's naturally gifted at anything he does.

And if he's not able to do something, he's an incredibly quick learner.

He is truly blessed, anything that Satoru wants he gets.

And that's why, he has Suguru Geto as his boyfriend.

At first, it was a challenge to get Suguru to be inclined to date Satoru. However, once he got to know him. He ended up falling for him.

So if Satoru knows that anything he wants he can get, why does he feel uneasy? As if he's going to lose Suguru. That Suguru would break up with him.

He doesn't like that feeling, when Suguru is talking to other girls.

This must be jealousy. Satoru deduces, and he doesn't like this feeling. Because a Gojo. Always gets what he wants.

The two males are at Satoru's house in his bedroom, Suguru just got here, so he's dropping his items.

"You staying over tonight?" Satoru asks him as he sees the duffel Suguru has.

"No, I'm not staying over tonight sorry Satoru." He apologises.

Confused, he proceeds to ask "Then, why do you have that duffel bag?"

"Haibara and Nanami, invited me to a sleepover at Nanami's house. Thought I might aswell go."

"Are you serious! Suguru! What about me? Can't I come." He whined with annoyance.

"Satoru, Nanami doesn't like you. What makes you think he wants you there? Shouldn't we be spending time together, until I have to go."

"Suguru. Come here." He opened his arms.

Suguru complied, hopping on the bed and entering Satoru's arm.

Satoru, proceeded to hug Suguru tightly but not too tight. And kissed his forehead.

Whispering he says "You're not leaving me Suguru. I'm keeping you trapped in my arms forever!" He laughed playfully.

"Satoru! Stop being such an idiot. Are you jealous that you can't come with me?" Suguru laughed.

"Yes. So. Don't go." His tone changed from playful to serious.

Laughing awkwardly Suguru asks "Are you joking Satoru? Because I really can't tell if you're acting or being serious."

"Why would I be joking Suguru? I'm not laughing." He twirled Suguru's black hair. Then tugging it tightly.

"Ouch. What the fuck. Satoru that hurt. Let go of my hair." A disturbed look, was visible on Suguru.

"I told you, I don't like other people. Touching. Your. Hair. But you don't listen Suguru. I'm not a joke." He pulled tighter on his hair.

"Y-you're hurting me Satoru..."Suguru looked like he was about to cry.

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