break up

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a/n: let's get to 1,000 reads guys to get some satosugu spicy scenes!

we are back to the angst... written in satoru's pov.

make sure to comment! it inspires me to write more chapters, if not, i become demotivated and lazy :/

anyways! let's get into the one shots.

in front of a kfc, i see suguru. he's been ghosting me.

i don't care if i'm loud and a nuisance. i just want fucking answers.

i want to know why my boyfriend, all of a sudden is fucking ignoring me, dropped out of high school.

i asked his parents, and they cried saying how suguru stole money from their accounts leaving them dirt poor.

what the hell is wrong with him?

where is my sweet, caring and loving boyfriend. that never fails to make me feel loved.

who is this fucker now?

"suguru! turn around." i yell out loud, hoping he responds.

"satoru." the way he calls my name leaves a shiver down my spine.

i run and hug him, i just want to stay in his arms. i love him that much.

but he refuses my gesture of love, and pushes me off.

"please. don't touch me." the man in front of me says.

"why can't i fucking touch you? when has me touching you and clinging to you ever been an issue? tell me what is going on!"

"that is none of your concern." he attempted to silence me.

"i'm your boyfriend! it does fucking concern me suguru." my voice cracked, it's hard to remain composed, when my heart is aching.

"i want to break up with you, we no longer have  the sane destiny. satoru, marry some rich girl, to carry on your legacy. while, i'll just be a fucking poor shit. we come from two different worlds.

"excuses! excuses. stop acting like you're a good guy. you're a fucking dick, if you're going to break up with me like that!"  i clenched onto my fist so hard, blood started drawing out.

"satoru. i need to leave. please don't message me. or contact me again." he began walking away.
satoru wanted to say 'don't leave i love you. i can't lose you...' but he couldn't seem to formulate the words in his mouth.

he just let the love of his life, leave. without a fucking fight.

suguru is not here. to hold him or kiss him and joke around with him.

he's gone, it was just temporary. suguru was the spring of satoru's youth.

everything satoru did with suguru was his first.

his first kiss, his first i love you, his first boyfriend.

and suguru took satoru's virginity.

he was sure him and suguru would be together, forever. but ever since one of their close friend riko died of a terminal illness. suguru hasn't been the same.

and that scared satoru. he's never seen his boyfriend that way. and he didn't know what to do he was scared.

but he didn't expect him to break up with him.

and that hurt.


it's been 10 years since satoru and suguru have broken up.

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