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Normal High school AU:

Suguru and Satoru have been dating for around 3 years now.

They are now seniors at Jujutsu High School. And their relationship is pretty strong.

With an awesome friend group too, Shoko, Nanami and Haibara.

The last two are juniors and Shoko is the same age as them.

But together they make a tight knit group.

"Hey Satoru, when are you going to pick me up? You and Suguru should have been here 30 minutes ago!" Shoko complained at the boys.

"Agh. Satoru. Hurry up and let me kiss you. Suguru! Shh! Shoko." He whispers yet it's still audible.

"Were you and Suguru making out? Is that why you're taking so fucking long." The volume of her voice increases.

"Well. No. Yes. Maybe. Please don't kill me Shoko! I sneaked out from my house yesterday night to see Suguru, and when he woke up. He looked so hot. So. I couldn't help but making out with him! That is surely not a crime for him being so sexy Shoko!"

"Are you fucking serious right now? Satoru."

"Thank you baby, for calling me so sexy. You're really hot and sexy too." There were audios of lips smacking together.

"Can you get your fucking stupid asses to my house! I'm waiting and if you don't leave now. I'm going to be late."

"Chill Shoko. I'm at Suguru's house. He lives like 10 minutes away from you. We are leaving now. Get up Suguru and let's go!"

"See you soon Shoko! Love you!" He cut the call.

Shoko let's out a tiresome groan, tired of these two lovebirds.

You'd think as the years progress they'd dial it down, but it only gets worse.

They are indeed the definition of PDA.


About 10 minutes later. Satoru is true to his word, and picks up Shoko in his car.

"About fucking time." She hops into the backseat.

"Sorry Shoko. I apologise for being extremely sexy, Satoru couldn't resist making out with me." Suguru teased.

"Shut up Suguru! It works vice versa. Remember last time when you fu-"

"It's okay guys! I don't need to hear about your romantic memoirs and shit. Just focus on driving us to school."

"Fine Shoko! But I'm just-"

"Do you want me to hurt you?"

"No ma'am." The white haired male shook his head.

"Then shut the fuck up Satoru. And drive this car."

"Yes ma'am." He obeyed and drove the three of them to their school.

It took about half an hour for them to get to school. But they were on time.

Walking down the halls, Satoru wraps an arm around Suguru's waist as they walk down the halls.

"Ugh. I see that you guys are back at it again. Don't you ever get tired of being so touchy."

"Nanami! Stop being such a hater! You know you find us cute. We are your favourite couple. If you need relationship advice for the future. Let me know." Satoru smiles at Nanami.

"Whatever. Me and Haibara, have science now. So we'll meet you guys at lunch?"

"Sounds like a plan! Be good my children!" He waved goodbye.

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