just a bet?

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sorry that i was gone :(

here's a lil chapter to sustain you! i'll be back in 2 weeks 👋

"hey gojo..." one of his servants in his friend group hesitantly called his name.

"yeah. what do you want? speak. and make it quick." brusquely he ordered him.

"there's a new kid. and i think you'll like him."

"me? like a guy. heh. what's the stats saying? how fuckable on a scale of 1-10." a cheeky smirk formed on his face.

"i'd say he's a solid 10. he's very good looking." he responded to the group leader.

"fuck! you've got me excited. okay shit. okay. do you think he'll let loose easily? how prestige?"

"hm, well he seems quiet. so i'd say there's a 95% chance he'd say no."

"well. that's a fucking challenge. however, that's no match for me..."

"are you going to try fuck him gojo?"

"of course. give me a month. i'll have him on his fucking knees, like the last fucker." he laughed evilly.

"you're such a sicko! you gonna send us the sex tape? i really want to see that hot guy get fucked in the ass." one of the guys in his group asked eagerly.

"well obviously you'll get to see me fuck him. he's going to have a once in a lifetime opportunity. to get fucked by satoru gojo. i just need to see how he looks like. it's not fair!"

"great gojo! i'm excited to add that video to my collection. hot things you've fucked."

"you're a fucking weirdo." satoru slaps the boys head.

"yo. sukuna." satoru calls one of his close friends.

"yeah gojo?" he replies dryly.

"come with me to check if this dude is really a ten."

"fuck fine. but aren't you tired of your stupid, childish games...i know i'm one to say this shit. but you're hurting people."

there was a moment of silence until they both bursted out in laughter.

"shit. i tried so hard to say serious. fuck! let's see this hot little shit." sukuna laughed.

the two of them walked around the school, trying to locate this bombshell. until.

they found him.

he was reading a book and minding his business.

"s-shit. he's actually attractive." satoru looked lost for words.

his eyes, the richness of the amethyst illuminating so brightly, his black straight hair. his well built build, despite him remaining seated.

he was truly so attractive. satoru realised he needs to smash him. no matter what.

"isn't he hot sukuna?" satoru whispered.

"he fucking is. shit. how can he look so attractive."

"shit. i'm doing it. i'm going to approach him." satoru got up bravely, and approached the male reading.

"hey." he says in his cool tone.

"hello..." he greets him back.

"i'm satoru gojo. i'm in your year. you are?"

"suguru geto, nice to meet you." he smiled softly at him.

"so, what brings you to this school?"

"well. my family decided to move out of the countryside and into the city, so here i am."

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