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-normal highschool au

a/n: i kinda went overboard wrote 4,000 words for this chapter but sorry you amazing people must be treated with long one shots of satosugu and fluff

- warning next chapter in angst :( let the crying and tubs of ice cream eating begin. I'd advise you bring tissues. it's going to be a sad one.

when the teens of jujitsu highschool, get time off their martial art competitions, they go nuts.

since the school is so selective with who they choose, their is a minuscule amount of students. meaning that you have no choice but to socialise with others.

and form certain sexual relationships.

geto and gojo, are practically best friends with something they like to call a benefit. a sexual benefit.

they are fucking horny teenagers, with no experience. what could possibly go wrong?

they don't understand boundaries. while satoru, the beautiful blue eyed man, is slowly yet surely is falling deep for suguru.

while suguru finds it a nice way to have some fun, with not letting feelings getting involved. well he's conflicted. he doesn't necessarily know. if his feelings are swaying romantically towards satoru.

the boy can be a real pain in the ass at times. he finds it cute. but he's unsure.

the other kids kinda know that they are affectionate towards each other. and they don't even try to hide it.

their usual antics of public display of affection usually entails of, the taller male which is satoru. clinging all over suguru. and suguru whispering dirty minded shit and those two laughing their asses off.

and the usual sappy shit. is when they fucking make out and think they are so stealthy with it.
when in reality, everyone is aware.

all the students pester them to just get together. but it's always suguru that shuts it down immediately.

that's why satoru went to get advice from shoko. his other best friend but just slightly different benefits such as advice.

"hey super duper best friend in the whole wide fucking world!" satoru bursted into her dorm flashing his pearly whites.

"i thought that suguru was your super duper best friend." she smirked cunningly.

"no suguru don't got shit on you. i love you shoko." the other hugged her.

"whatever." she rolled her eyes, but felt warmth inside her. it's nice to feel wanted even though satoru needed something from her.

"enough with the acting gojo, what do you want?"

"you're no fun! anyways, you know how suguru and me are like..."

"always being dumbasses and horny shits." shoko intruded.

"well yeah. but i know that, how we get shipped often by our beautiful kouhais~"

"that suguru flat out rejects it." shoko once finished his sentence.

"fuck! you just understand me. anyways, i have feelings for suguru and i want more than just the sexual stuff. it's great don't get me wr-"

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