just friends?

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a/n: thanks for 10k beautiful ppl.

here's a 4,000 long chapter :)

suguru's pov:

to the outer world, we are just best friends. dumb and dumber. person a and person b.

just two guys, with a close brotherly platonic love.

however, once the curtains close, we are more than just brothers. we are lovers.

forbidden lovers. like romeo and juliet.

i don't know how, but one day. i confessed my feelings to him...

he was a bit skeptical, and we compromised just staying a secret couple for now.

but, i want the world to know. or at least to not be ashamed in public.

satoru, i want to hold your hand and kiss you gently. and just be happy and people to know that you're mine.

but. you don't want that.

you're scared and i don't understand why.

please. tell me why.


suguru approaches satoru's dorm to hang out.

"hey satoru." a soft smile gleams over the cat eyed beauty.

"oh hey suguru, you staying over?" he smiles back, looking at the newly arrived boy.

"for a bit, i wanted to speak to you..."

inquisitively, he raised his eyebrows "hm? what about?"

"s-satoru. could we maybe, you know... like announce we are a couple." nervously, he asked.

"what." his tone changed from inquisitive to irritated.

"i-i asked. um. could we? be official as a couple. perhaps?"

"i heard what you said suguru. i'm just thinking what the fuck is wrong with you?"

"satoru, i don't think it's a bad idea! we can finally not be ashamed and hide our love from others, we can be a real couple."

"no. my answer is no. are you forgetting who i am? i'm satoru. fucking. gojo. i can't just be dating a guy in public! it's disgusting." he yelled at the other.

"are you sure it's because you're scared of being gay. or is it because you're embarrassed of me? am i not good enough for me to be seen as your boyfriend. only good as your friend?"

completely disregarding his feelings, he waves his hand in dismissal saying, "stop being so emotional and overreacting, why would i be embarrassed to be your boyfriend? stop trying to guilt trip me into announcing our relationship. and let's just continue this."

"i should continue, us just staying at either mine or your dorm? like satoru!"he protested.

the taller male walked up to the other, and approached him, he caressed his chin and slightly tilted it. so suguru could look him in the eye.

"behave." he whispered softly yet authoritatively.
suguru felt a shiver down his spine. he couldn't help but apologise.


"why do you look so upset suguru? is it because i said no to your stupid idea." he teased him.


"hop on my bed, let's comfy and tell me why you look so sad."

the latter agreed and entered his boyfriend's bed, sitting upright he looked at satoru and took a deep sigh.

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