o sol e a lua

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Hey guys! Thanks for all the love I've been getting, it's really made me so happy reacting to your comments and enjoying your love for my work.

I'll continue to work hard! And only give you the best work of mine that I possibly can!

So you are probably wondering what is the o sol e a lua. What it means is the sun and the moon in Portuguese, it's based on a song called that.

And a lot of people have been using it for Satosugu. A quick summarisation of how it's applicable to what I'm writing:

In Gojo's eyes Geto is the sun and in Geto's eyes Gojo is the sun.

However in retrospect,

Geto is the sun in the sense that he burns so bright he destroys himself. Gojo is the moon in the sense that without the sun he has no light.

And it can work vice versa.

But anyways enough of me talking, let the oneshot begin!

Satoru has always loved Suguru. He always has and always will. Everyone knows it.

If Suguru wanted anything. Satoru would do it for him.

Suguru was the light that Satoru followed. He loved him more than his own wretched family. Suguru was the most important person in his life.

Everything is a summer's dream and it still is.

The two boys are at a bonfire party with their friends.

Haibara and Nanami. Their underclass men. Shoko and Utahime. Classmates of theirs, however one attending a sister school of Jujutsu high. Also Mei Mei their upperclassmen.

All of them decided, in order to celebrate the summer a nice party with some alcohol, food, music and friends. Will do just the trick!

"You little losers! I brought some beer to make this party better and loosen your goody-two shoes asses." Mei Mei held a case of beer.

"Fuck yeah!" The white haired male, immediately got up reaching to take a beer.

Until, a hand gently tugged on his wrist.

It was Suguru.

"Satoru. Are you sure you want to drink. You are, you know a lightweight...I don't think it's a good idea."

"Suguru, don't worry about me baby! It's cute that you care about me. But. Trust me. I can survive just one beer." He squeezed Suguru's cheeks.

"Are you sure? If you don't want to be left out. I won't drink too."

Proceeding to drink his beer, he moans in an annoyance "It's fucking fine mom! Jeez. Let's just have some fun."

"Sorry. I'll stop worrying about you then." Suguru spoke in a sullen tone. Most likely, upset about how Satoru spoke to him.

"Trouble in paradise?" Shoko teases the two boys over their little mishap.

"Not at all. Can we just have some fucking fun! Because I am so bored of doing nothing." The tallest male in the circle complained.

"Alright then fuckers! Let's play Never have I Ever! You drink if you have! Simple as." Mei Mei introduced the synopsis of the simple game.

"I'll go first! Never have I ever had a crush on Satoru GOJO!" He arrogantly declared about himself.

Only one person sipped their beer. It was Suguru of course.

"Aww! No one else had a crush on me you bunch of liars!"

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