messages of love

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HEY GUYSSS SORRY FOR THE LATE VALENTINE POST BUT HEREEE IT IS (a generous 4,000 words one shot as my apology <3)


5th September 2005

satoru: hellloooo mr ugly fugly bangs, i've got your number. yaga said mission tomorrow. wake up bright nd early.

suguru: how the fuck did you get my number. could you please not message me again.

satoru: you're such a pretentious dick. for someone that's broke.

suguru: just fuck you prick.

satoru: loser.

The two boys, have been arguing ever since joining jujutsu high. Due to Satoru acting like a dickhead.

8th September 2005

satoru: hello?
             suguru :(

suguru: who said you can call me suguru? it's geto to you.

satoru: you're so mean.

suguru: what do you want?

satoru: i'm bored.

suguru: what does that have to do with me??? read a book. touch some grass. play some games.

satoru: games! you have games? let me play suguru :)

suguru: no. i don't like you.

satoru: fuck you and your ugly ass bangs.

suguru: i genuinely think you're bipolar. you need help.

satoru: fuck you.

10th September 2005

satoru: uh. suguru, you know how i made fun of your cursed technique. i am sorry. i didn't know it was like that...

suguru: wow. you actually have sympathy for others. surprising.

it's fine i'm used to it.

satoru: friends?

suguru: not in the slightest.

satoru: awww :(

14th September 2005

suguru: shoko said she wants her sweets that you stole from her back.

satoru: yay! you texted back.

suguru: only to deliver the message to you. i have no interest socialising with you.

satoru: i'm sorry we got off on a bad start! but let's not be petty anymore...

suguru: well you are right.

satoru: friends?

suguru: friends.

21st September 2005


suguru: yes?

satoru: hey ;)

suguru: don't ever do that again.

satoru: y not daddy ;(

suguru: um. wtf bro that's gay

satoru: you're gay.

suguru: fuck off.

22nd September 2005

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