my blessing

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angst? oh a whole lotta of it.
was this hurtful to write? fuck yes.

it seems nowadays for this couple, well family nothing seems to work.

the glue, which held the broken pieces together no matter how torn, ugly and brittle it was. held those pieces, it created a way. a solution.

is now slowly melting, and as it melts those broken pieces are no longer being held together but are falling apart.

the glue has lost its viscosity, power and tenacious grip. to keep those pieces in check.

and that glue is satoru.

no matter how hard things got between him and his partner suguru. he always managed to sort it out, find a way for it not to escalate. help and comfort suguru even though they have a four year old, who needs looking after.

satoru would stick onto suguru trying to hold the pieces.

but what about satoru's pieces? he's a fucking mess to.

he has to look after megumi, he has to go on missions to hunt curses, he has the gojo clan up his ass. the highers up won't give him a break and his students need his upmost attention and care. and his fucking manbaby of a husband who always seems to have something up with him, he has to give all of his love to.

he has hardly any time to breathe, and is stressed out.

so. once again i ask what about satoru's pieces? who is going to be his glue. his rock. the apple to his eye. his one and only.

all that corny shit.

and he knows it and we all know it's meant to be suguru. suguru should be comforting satoru, helping him out.

but there's something wrong with suguru. something a bit off.


(papa is satoru, dada is suguru)

"papa! when is dada going to give me my shower?" megumi holds onto satoru's leg pouting.

"megumi. i think dada is not feeling too i'll give you your shower." satoru picked up his kid and gave him a small peck on his cheek.

"again! he's always sick. he never sees me anymore. i want to see him now!" he yells frustrated that his dada has been hiding.

"no. megumi, he wants to be alone." he sighed, this is their cycle. satoru having to repeat a million times to megumi that suguru is 'sick' and he 'wants to be alone'

"s-so dada doesn't want to see me?" the dark haired male eyes began to quiver, water spilling out his eyes and a loud sound escaping his mouth.

the boy was in hysterics, absolutely upset and nothing could calm him down.

"megumi, calm down! please honey. don't cry. p-please." his voice cracks, a tear rolls down satoru's eyes. he is tired and upset. and it's fucking breaking him and megumi.

megumi continued crying, satoru's attempts were futile.

a 6 foot 3 man approaches the living room.

it's suguru. his long hair that goes to his back, is in his famous. half down and half bun style.

he's wearing a nice loose jumper and joggers that suits his physique quite nicely. and let's not forget his piercings on his ears.

megumi saw his dada enter the living room and screams.

"dada!" he's stopped crying immediately and was about to get off his papa to go to dada when.

suguru closed the door and left the house. he didn't fucking acknowledge his son. satoru could understand suguru being a dick to him. but his own flesh and blood.

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