birthday boy

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As we are celebrating 1K reads, I made a section of this chapter spicy. Skip if you're uncomfortable, but I tried my hardest to make it tolerable and not TOO EXPLICIT (but it kind of is, but it's not too shabby)

I love my pookie Suguru, so it's only right, we have a birthday oneshot for him!

I wonder what Gojo has in plan for him...

-Canon AU (Let's just pretend Geto didn't betray Jujutsu High)
-Megumi is their son (4 years old)
- Satoru is 18 and Suguru is 17. ( I know they are young ass parents.)


It's a week before Suguru's birthday and his boyfriend is clearly stressing out. He doesn't know what to get his one and only Suguru.

He regrets always spoiling Suguru and Megumi rotten. Because he has no fucking clue what Suguru wants.

Clothes. He has that.

Hair products. For sure. He has that.

Books. Has that.

Fuck. Was all Satoru could say. All he has given Suguru is materialism, he's so shit at thinking outside the box.

What can he possibly get him. He'll need to find a way to get some information. But where can he get that information from?


It's like a light bulb flickered on, invoking an idea, to spring out.

He will use his son. To get information out Suguru.

Now, it's time to find his son...

He approaches the child's bedroom, to see him playing with his dog.

So cute... he smiles softly.

"Megumiiiiii!" Satoru smiles, attempting to scare his son.

"Dad. You're not funny! That wasn't scary." The child did not look amused.

"Oh! But it was funny. You can laugh you know. No need to be such a grinch Megumi!" He laughed at the boy.

"I'm telling Papa, you're bullying me! Papa!" The green eyed boy began to yell. Until, Satoru covered his mouth.

"It's a joke Megumi! A joke. Dada is sorry. Okay? I'm sorry Megumi. I won't bully you. For now..." He whispered the last bit quietly.

Megumi just rolled his eyes, and kept stroking his dog.

"Who taught you how to roll your eyes at me mister?" Satoru looked unimpressed.

"You did!" He stuck out his tongue.

"Whatever. I'll deal with that later. Megumi. You know,  your papa. It's his birthday next week."

"How old is he?" His child eyes lit up in excitement.

"Well. I'll tell you, if you do something very important for me. And only you can do it! It's a secret between me and you. Not even Papa can know!" He tries to sound mysterious and cool to allure him.

"If papa can't know! Go away." He turned away from Satoru.

The man's mouth was agape. Did his son love Suguru that much. That if they kept a secret and Suguru didn't know, he wouldn't want to help him!

This little brat.

"Megumi! If Papa said the same thing I did. Would you tell him to go away?" He asked.

"Well no..."

"Then why me! Why are you telling your dada, who buys you anything you fucking ask for. To go away?" Satoru pouted, a bit annoyed.

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