Chapter 7 -The Mirror

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Maxine's P.O.V

I'm shortly awakened by Pansy shaking me with a groan out of annoyance. "Wake up Maxine. You'll miss breakfast." She says making me fully sit up still a little half asleep as I quickly change and once again forget the tie as I feed Prince before heading out. "Well, well if it isn't the sleepy head," says Draco as I glare at him.
"Well, well if it isn't the big forehead," I comment back as Draco glares and Pansy pushes me as she shakes her head. "I don't have a big head!" He says as Pansy reassures him while I laugh. "I'm joking. Can't you take a joke my dear friend or should I start calling you bestie?"
He shakes his head as he bolts out of the dorm but as soon as we leave Draco is waiting there for us as we head to eat some delicious food.
As soon as we arrive to sit down I see an owl flying with what appears to be a broom as it lands before Harry. As I quickly run to Harry as he opens the present with Hermione and Ron. "It's a broomstick." "Who did you get it from," I say to Harry as he shrugs. "That's not just a broomstick, Harry. It's a nimbus 2000!" Ron says as I sit myself next to him. While Harry stares at McGonagall, who has a white owl next to her. I quickly catch on to who gave him the broomstick, "Wow. I didn't know you were a teacher's pet Harry." I say as I get a plate filled with food. "I'm not a teacher pet Max" "For sure for sure." He goes to protest again only for Draco to call my name as I grunt and leave the table.

"What did you want Draco? Couldn't you see I was busy?" I say with my arms crossed. "I don't get why you like spending so much time with that brother of yours."

"Oh really you couldn't tell. Simply, because his my family. I thought you would know since you would always mention your dad when something displeases you." Draco only looked at me with a sour look that irritated me but I always liked messing with Draco. I think I understand why Draco likes bullying people although I think it's funnier when it's people your friends with.
(Quidditch Game)

I decided to go to the quidditch game with Hermione and Ron especially since I'll be cheering for Harry. Although it was rather awkward to be the only Slytherin amongst the Gryffindor. During the game, Harry was unable to control his Broom which had worried me but Hermione had quickly solved the issue that involved Snape. Harry quickly went to catch the snitch as he started balancing on his Broom making me shocked as he fell to the ground and spit out the snitch which had made me laugh before going down to congratulate Harry.

Soon time had passed a lot faster than I thought it would as Christmas was right around the corner . Many students had already packed and I had stayed with Harry and Ron in the dining hall. Both were consumed in playing their game which seemed to be chess while I read a book to distract me from other things as Regulus would often disappear and come back from who knows where.

"That's totally barbaric!" Yells Hermione which made me jump a little from my seat as she stared at the chess. "That's wizards chess. I see you've packed." Ron says looking at her luggage. "I see you haven't" "Change of plans, my parents decided to go to Romania to visit my brother Charlie. He's studying dragons there." I place my book down putting my full attention to Ron. "Dragons exist. How come I'm barely finding that out." "Maybe it's cause your not paying attention Maxine." Says Ron as I glared at him.

"Good. You can help Harry and Maxine then. Their going to go and look in the library for information on Nicholas Flamel" Hermione says as she reminds me of when Harry spoke to me about Nicholas Flamel. Although I found it difficult to find any information about him.

"We've looked a hundred times!" Says Ron.
"Not in the Restricted section. Happy Christmas." Hermione says as she leaves while I wave goodbye to her. "I think we've had a bad influence on her." I laugh at Ron. "I think you were a bad influence on her ." Once again Ron glared and looked as if he wanted to say something but stopped himself. "That's right don't even think about saying anything back to me," I say as I pick up my book. "Your irritating Maxine." "And you look like the ugliest troll here." His face turned into disbelief , "no I don't." "Well, maybe you should try using a mirror."Ron's mouth was agape and his face filled with offense.

"Harryyy!" Ron says almost as if he were snitching to his mother about his sibling. Although Harry only laughed.
The Slytherin dorm was rather lonely and isolated from anyone. "Merry Christmas," says Regulus who was the only one here as I smiled and nodded as I changed and grabbed Prince before heading to the Gryffindor dorm. Harry had been waiting as he lets me inside. "Look Max I've got a present." "A present?! What is it." Excitement ran through as it was the first time to even receive a present although it looked like it was more for Harry. As he wears the cloak as he completely disappears. "Woooow you better let me borrow that once in a while," I say as Harry nods with a big smile on his face. It made me realize that Harry was happier here instead of the Dursleys which made sense. Harry left with the cloak to the restricted area as I decided to have a sleepover with especially when I was all alone in the Slytherin dorm it took convincing Ron but after a while, he had finally given in.

Ron went to sleep while I was reading the same book that I was reading the other day as Harry bolts into the room and pulls the blankets off of Ron. "Ron, Max! You guys really gotta see this. Ron! Ron, come on." Harry says as he tries to wake up Ron." "Why?" Says Ron still half asleep. "There's something you guys need to see, now come on." Says Harry as we get together in the cloak which is rather suffocating. We soon arrived in a room and we started running towards a huge mirror. "Come on, Come look, it's our parents!" Harry yells as he makes me have hope. "I only see us." "Look in properly. Go on, stand there." Says Harry as Ron stands in the center in front of the mirror. "There. You see them, don't you?" My impatience increased as my urge to push Ron aside became unbearable. "That's me! Only I'm the head boy. And I'm holding the quidditch cup. And bloody hell! I'm Quidditch captain too! I look good. Harry, do you think this mirror shows the future?" I shove Ron before he can continue. "How can it? Both our parents are dead. Why don't you look Maxine" "Hey watch it!" Yells Ron at me.

I stood in front of the mirror in hopes of seeing what Harry saw but it wasn't. "Do you see them Max!" Says Harry as I frown before I force a smile. "Yeah...." I didn't see what Harry saw it was different. It also didn't explain many things yet it did. But I thought it best to lie to Harry than to even say what I really saw. Ron and I headed to the common room to sleep while Harry stayed. Although I had trouble sleeping with my mind racing about millions of questions that couldn't be explained.

The next morning Harry had explained to me what the Mirror does and how it shows the desires we have in our hearts. But that only made me overthink and wander until my brain and mind alone became into an unbearable headache and things only became more confusing but I decided not to speak or think about it again. Not until everything unfolds itself although it might have been something I wanted and not what I assumed to be.
It seems like things weren't what they seem to be. Could everything have been a lie
But why....why was he in the mirror when family is what I wanted to see? Unless I'm not...

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