Chapter 25- Quidditch World Cup

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Maxine's P.O.V.

Both I and Harry slept in the Weasley's home after we got invited to come along with them to the Quidditch World Cup. Which both me and Harry agreed upon. Harry slept in Ron's room, while I slept in Ginny's room. As Ginny shook me awake with Hermione holding a candle holder near my face. Hermione seemed to have barely arrived as I yawned. I sat up feeling groggy, barely able to keep my eyes open. "Wake up Max, Mrs. Weasley said breakfast is ready." She shook me but I just flopped back on the bed. "Get up already Max." She says as she pulls me back up and I sigh. I had also brought along the ring that Sirius had given me as Harry filled me in on the details about how it was a misunderstanding and how he never betrayed our parents. Which I had already figured out based on the vision I had but I just couldn't figure out why he gave me this ring. Prince was lying on the bed as he laid on his back without a worry in the world. I quickly got dressed in leggings and a black shirt with a brown flannel along with a pair of combat boots. Fixing my messy dark hair that was almost or similar to Regulus own, as a kid I always thought it was different. Now that I was actually giving my full attention it was similar. Although with our eyes I couldn't exactly tell how similar they were and I wondered if they were ever so slightly different or in a certain lighting it can change completely. I now stood in front of a mirror adjusting my hair with Regulus behind me, I stood observing the both of us. Ginny and Hermione had already gone down for breakfast. "What is it?" Regulus says as I shook my head, "Nothing." I had the urge to speak about the visions I had and I was ready to open my big mouth and blab about it. But deep down I knew that I shouldn't. But there will be a time when I end up talking about it.

After having breakfast we headed out following the Weasley family. The twins were on either side of me as they pulled me forward while I tried my best not to fall asleep on the spot. I was sure I could fall asleep right away on the grass if they weren't pushing me. Regulus was following although he warned me that he might disappear to who knows where. But I usually let him do his own thing.

"Ron, where are we actually going?" Harry asks Ron. "Yeah, where are we going?" I also ask, "Don't know." He responds as both twins lay a hand on my shoulder, "Worry not." "You'll find out soon enough." The twins as always completing each other's sentences. "Oi, Maxie, are you sure you're not part house elf?" Fred says patting my head as I smack it away, I was surprised at the sudden nickname. "What? I'm not a house elf." "Yeah, Fred, I'm pretty sure I saw her trying to climb onto a chair, and the chair won." George laughs with Fred. I was slightly shorter than Hermione and I'm sure they were trying to pick on me with how bored they were. I gasped offended but they kept going. "You know Maxie, with a bit more height, you'd actually be able to reach the top shelf in the Gryffindor's common room. But don't worry we've got plenty of tricks up our sleeves to help with that." Fred mocks as my mouth hanged open shocked as they kept going. "Maybe we can just enchant your shoes to give you a bit of a....height boost, eh?" George continues.

"Come on, Maxine, don't be offended. You're just vertically challenged...but that's what makes you adorable!" Fred snickers with a big smile on his face. "At least I don't have to worry about bumping my head on door frames," I grumbled. "Touché, Maxine touché." George chuckles. "We'll just keep a step ladder around, in case we need to have serious discussions above eye level," Fred says grinning.
"Yeah, yeah, just wait until I get a spell that makes you shrink down even shorter than myself. I'd love to see you two make fun of me then." I say smirking just imagining it happening. "Oh, we'd like to see you try!" They say in sync as they laugh.

"Hey, Dad. Where are we going?" Yells Ron as Mr Weasley was leading us. "Haven't the foggiest. Keep up!" Mr Weasley responds as the whole group speeds up which surprised me as I trip over something but thankfully not falling to the ground. Otherwise, that would've been embarrassing.

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