Chapter 13- The Prank

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Maxine's P.O.V.

Night had fallen as the school stood completely silent. I had waited for an hour or two for everyone to go to their dorms after leaving the trio. I grabbed the covered cage filled with pixies as I carefully tip-toed out of the dorm with Regulus who had lagged behind. "Keep an eye out for any professors. I don't want to get caught." I whisper to Regulus who shakes his head, "You better hope you don't get caught. Even if it's your bedtime." I waved him off with my wand brightening the area around me as I rounded the corner bumping into someone tall making me shriek in fright as I froze for a good moment before hiding the cage quickly and looking at the person who had frightened me.

"Fred? And...George?"
"Maxine?" they say in unions as I let out a long sigh of relief. "I thought you were one of the professors? What are you guys doing here at night?" "We could ask you the same thing?" says George as Fred peers over my shoulder. "What do you have there?" Fred says.

"Ooooh, nothing..." I say but they quickly went behind me to see what I was hiding as Fred snatches the cage away. "Hey!" I say but he puts the cage above his head while George puts a finger on his mouth to signal me to be quiet. Just maybe I should've put those pixies in Fred and George's dorm instead. "What is it Fred," says George as Fred pulls the cloth covering the cage away. The pixies started frantically moving around making loud clangs as I quickly covered the cage silencing the pixies. "You gonna get us both caught." "Why do you have these pixies, Maxine? Shouldn't these be in Lockhart's classroom?" Fred says handing back the cage. "Yeah, why do you have these pixies, Maxine?" "shouldn't you guys be headed to bed?" I say ignoring their questioning.

"Well, why would we do that? This time of the day is the best time to get away with pranks...well sometimes," says Fred.

"You know what I think Fred. I think Maxine is trying to prank someone with these Pixies." "I think your right, George."

"And what of I guys wouldn't snitch right," I say questioning them. Although deep down I knew that they wouldn't sometimes you can't trust people. "Oh Maxine we are the best pranksters in Hogwarts we would never snitch," Fred says reassuringly. "That's right and we'll even help," George says as the twins wrap one shoulder on both sides of me, pulling me in one direction. "So who are you trying to prank anyway." Fred says until we suddenly start to hear footsteps "Hide" whispers George as we immediately hide until then the person's footsteps fade away. "I was trying to put these pixies in Lockhart's room or Snape's room" " I would've thought you would be a fan of Lockhart like many of the girls here," Fred says.

"No, not really... he's pretty annoying." "I'm glad we're not the only ones that think that," mentions George who takes the cage off my hands. "We'll help you get Lockhart but I wouldn't recommend getting into any shenanigans with Snape. Since you're a beginner you know." Fred says smiling as he takes the lead as he takes out a paper out while swishing his wand on it making the blank paper show a whole map as I gasped taking a closer look at his map. "Woah where did you guys get this." "We stole the map in our first year of Hogwarts in Filch's office," answers George as I stared in awe at the both of them. "With this map, we'll be able to avoid any professors coming our way." Fred hands me the map as I see Snape walking away in another hall of Hogwarts. "That's amazing, is that how you guys get away from getting caught." "That's right and they still haven't caught us," George mentions as I hand back the map to Fred who then guides us.

It took a short while to arrive at the defense against the dark arts classroom. As Fred held the door to both me and George I felt something brush along my leg making me jump and look around. There stood Prince with his midnight black hair making it difficult to see him except for his golden eyes that shone so bright like jewelry. "Prince" I whisper as I pick him up dangling him in the air before hugging him. "Did you follow me." it meows in response. "You named your cat Prince?" Fred teases as George holds back a laugh. "Well yeah... I always thought he would be like in those fairy tales. Where the prince would save the princesses." or more like save me from these ghosts as I pull away from Prince who tilts its head before setting him down. "It seems your prince has come to help you." laughs George making us distracted. "It seems so. Are you here to cause mischief with me?" I say to Prince who rubs his head against my leg making me smile. "I think we're getting distracted here." Says George who nudges Fred who smiles and walks towards the office as we enter with our wands lighting the whole office. "This is where we'll let the pixies free," says Fred as he grabs the cage that George is holding in his hold taking the sheet off the cage. They looked asleep for now at the very least as Fred opened the cage as we slowly headed out of the office awakening the pixies and making them go wild as we all hurried out laughing on our way out. Thankfully not a single pixies got out but you can hear light banging on the door as I could see the door knob moving. All three of us hold the door to prevent the pixies from opening it.

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