Chapter 24- The One Who Guards The Veil

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Maxine's P.O.V.

I would have thought that I would be back in my body but I wasn't. My surroundings were different and it wasn't like that endless darkness I was in at the beginning. I was at what appeared to be a river and what also appeared to be a path or a bridge across it. There was mist all around as I could hear my name being whispered, the same voice that would often whisper. I crossed the bridge as I felt a breeze fly by and a deathly chill that I didn't think I could feel came. "Maxine." The voice was much clearer right behind me.

I turned to face a looming cloak figure that was much taller than the human height. It was hunched over, not showing its full height. I took a step away as I looked at the figure up and down. My eyes widen as I see its face. Or well it didn't have a face more so a skull and its fingers were made of bone.  My mouth was agape as its face came closer to my own.  "W-who are you?" I regretted asking such a stupid question, I mean it's obvious, isn't it? Death, himself stood before me.

"I think you know very well who I am child." He speaks as if reading my mind as I sigh. "Did, did I die?" "Fret not child. You did not die." His voice is so soft and almost spoken in a whisper as if you can just trust him by his voice alone.

"I don't understand. Then why am I here?" "Because I brought you here. Although my means to bring you here might have caused you harm. Worry not you shall heal from such injuries in a short time."

"Then you were the one who pulled me down the stairs." "Yes, that is correct." I took another step back feeling frightened at what he was capable of. But its soft, soothing voice made it difficult to be frightened about. "Then why, why did you bring me here." He points his boney long finger at me.

"Why else but your ability alone? I have yet to meet a human who was capable of doing more than just see beyond the veil." He started to circle around me. "It almost feels like you're...similar to me. How peculiar..."  It stops facing me. "But we aren't similar."

"You have always had this connection. The moment you were born, the veil was always there, just beyond your reach. But, the veil has allowed you closer, and you've found something most humans could never dream of."

"I didn't ask to have this connection. I didn't ask to have this ability!" "It matters not what you ask you were born with this."

"Your mother, a stubborn spirit she was. Begged me to keep you alive and protected. Saying that you were gifted with the sight of seeing spirits, that I would benefit from you. Why do you think that your cat turned into a spirit... I am the reason why your cat can stay with you." I bit my lip listening to it. "I can tell you many things child....such as whether your suspicions are true or not. I can even grant you immortality. Or perhaps I can even rid you of that demon you're so frightened about."

"What is it that you want from me?" "Serve me." He says.

"Serve you?" "Yes. I only ask for your assistance."
It's void eye sockets that stared deep into my very soul. "How can I possibly help you?" I asked.

"I only ask two things. Help me free the spirits who are in their endless loops and the ones still stuck in between. Second is to help me kill the one who believes he has cheated death." I didn't understand the second task but the first one felt challenging as it was. "What do you mean about the second one?" "The one who calls himself Voldemort. You see I can't go against the laws of nature nor can I take a life when it isn't their time yet. His time has been up until he somehow managed to make himself immortal. Serve me and I shall grant you powers unimaginable to humankind."

"You see death awaits for no one." These words echoed into my brain.

There was no reason to reject such a good offer and neither did I want to find out what would occur if I were to reject it. Would it become furious if I were to reject it? Something I certainly didn't want to find out and even so this offer benefited me. At one point I do wish to defeat Voldemort and if I need Death's help to achieve that then I will take it by any means necessary.

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