Chapter 18- It's Name

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Maxine's P.O.V.

(Warning- This chapter will be disturbing and involves death/blood)

I don't quite remember how I got to bed but I somehow did it without getting caught. I was sure I was going to fall asleep in the middle of the hall as I was headed to the common room. I was still sleepy but I could feel someone shaking me awake, "Maxine wakes up!" I hear Pansy say as I take a pillow from my bed throwing it at her face, "You did not just hit me." She pulls me by my legs making me fall off the bed, "what do you want." I was irritated that someone was trying to wake me up as I yawned, "Blaise is awake and waiting for you to get up." "Me? At this hour." Well, it wasn't exactly early in the morning but it was close to becoming the afternoon. "You two agreed to look for your cat, remember." She says as she picks up the pillow that I threw at her face and whacks me with it making me feel more awake, "ugh I get it! I'll get up!" still mad that I was abruptly awoken I roughly threw the pillow back on my bed and felt very tempted to throw the pillow back at Pansy but I didn't.

I quickly dressed making sure I wore the wooden rosary necklace and the small bottle of holy water. I met Blaise who was indeed waiting on the couch for who knows how long. "You took forever to wake up." "And you sound annoying right now," I say still irritated and half asleep. "Blaise you should be happy I woke her up for you. She even threw a pillow at me." Pansy says still annoyed and mad that I threw a pillow at her. "And you especially deserved it," I respond as she glares at me. I didn't care if Pansy and I ended up fighting because I knew that at the end of the day, it'd be like nothing ever happened.

"If I knew you'd get so angry at us for waking you up then we wouldn't have tried," Blaise responds as if amused at me. "I thought you would be happy about me helping you search for that cat of yours." He continues making me sad just thinking about Prince being gone. "Hey, we'll find him. Since you're awake now let's go searching." "Alright." I was glad that Blaise of all people was willing to help me find Prince.

We started searching every hallway, every classroom, every room, and even the common rooms as well as asking some of the people. But no one knew where he was. We would double check and every classroom looked the same as the first time we checked. I even ended up bumping into Harry who seemed fine as well as told me everything that happened including Voldemort and also assisted in searching for Prince.

We ended up going down a hallway where it was unusually crowded than it was supposed to be even Archie was there invested in all the commotion with a few spirits also curious as to what was happening. I push through the crowd to see a male student who appears to also be a Slytherin. My wand started to emit its musical tone to warn me of danger. Was it dangerous for me? But why?

When I finally approached closer enough to be able to see what was happening without some students blocking my view. I saw Prince in the student's hand by the neck his body was lifeless and unmoving like a rag-doll as the student smiled. The moment he saw me his smile was the same smile as that demon's. It was the same wicked smile that stretched unnaturally wide. "Prince..." I murmured as my eyes started to blur and I reached a hand out to him. The male student tosses the body of Prince to the ground with a thud and not a meow or a sound came from Prince. His eyes open without any life or light to its golden eyes that once had shone like gold. People gasped.

He was dead...


Not breathing...

He's alive....right...

"Do you like my gift?" He smiles and oh how much I despise that smile. I hate it. I hate it so very much. "How could you.." I say as I quickly pick up Prince, shaking him, hoping he will move even an inch...but he doesn't. Tears fell on my face like a waterfall. Even though my vision was blurry I could see him haunting me with his smiling face and amused expression on his face. He leans forward to whisper, "Did you honestly think I would stay this quiet? You know what I want. You're the perfect host, the perfect body, and even able to see those spirits." I could hear its demonic voice coming through as it spoke.

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