Chapter 27- Date For The Yule Ball?!

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Maxine's P.O.V.

I walked the halls with many people wearing badges as they would change, "Potter stinks." I yanked most of the badges of the students as I walked with Draco and his gang until we found a spot to sit. I sat on the grass leaning my back against a tree while he was sitting on the tree. "How'd your brother get his name in the goblet of fire Maxine?" He questions as I shrug. "I have no idea." "He didn't tell his own sister." He said as if trying to make me angry at Harry. "Why so tense, Potter? My father and I have a bet, you see. I don't think you're gonna last 10 minutes in this tournament." He jumps down approaching Harry, "He disagrees. He thinks you won't last five." I glared at Draco as I shook in disapproval.

"I don't give a damn what your father thinks, Malfoy. He's vile and cruel. And you're just pathetic." He pushes Draco, "Pathetic?" Draco began to pull his wand as I was about to yank it, Professor Moody stepped in, "Oh, no you don't, Sonny! I'll teach you to curse someone when their back is turned. You stinking...cowardly...scummy..." he turns Draco into a ferret, moving up and down as I stepped back. "Professor Moody!" Yells McGonagall which I was thankful for when she arrived.

"What are you doing?" "Teaching." "Is that a—? Is that a student?" I went up to her, "he turned Draco into a ferret Professor." She looked at me before looking at Moody. "Technically, it's a ferret." He begins to put the ferret into Crabbe's pants as he freaks out. McGonagall turns Draco back into a human as he shouts, "My father will hear about this!" "Is that a threat?" Draco runs as he goes around the tree before using me as a shield and then runs off. Moody begins yelling after him as McGonagall scolds him. I didn't stay longer after that. Being around Moody proved to increase my suspicions. I left afterward since I still hadn't spoken to Regulus about what had happened after I had fallen down the stairs but also to see if I could help some spirits move on.
I went to the astronomy tower and although it took a while for me to get to the very top I had made it. I had to overcome my fear of stairs one way or another but heights I will take forever to get used to. I sit in a spot that I knew would be safe, "I do think you owe me an explanation." Regulus says standing before me. "You keep dodging my question about how you became close to the Grim or why you ended up in the forest."

"I- I don't know how to explain it. You wouldn't believe me even if I did tell you." "Maybe I will believe you if you finally tell me." He says sternly. "I heard ringing in my ears that day and I never knew why until I was pushed down the stairs. I-I had seen death himself. He showed himself when I fainted, he told me he had to do that so that he could meet me..." "Had to what exactly?" "Well, push me down the stairs." "He pushed you!"

"He said, it was to meet me. He said he would grant me any wish as long as I assisted him!" "That doesn't mean he has any right to almost kill you." "But- but his death he can kill anyone if he so wished. I wasn't going to complain about it so that he could end me right there." Regulus sighed as he shook his head, rubbing his head as if he had gotten a headache. "So what was your wish to get rid of the demon I'm guessing." I nodded. I didn't dare mention about the visions not yet anyway. "Maxine we could've found a different way, a different method, instead of just agreeing. So what, what was it that he wants from you." " He told me to assist him in helping spirits move on and to help him kill you-know-who."

"That's two things! Two things Maxine! Not one, but two. Did he only grant you one wish.?" "Well, now that you put it that way...yes. But he did help, he helped me become....friends with it, the grim mean. But he did mention that he could grant me even immortality."

"Oh, Maxine this is a much more serious problem than I thought it was." He sighs, "But-But if you think about benefits me." He stood silent as he sat down in front of me. "This is why you're a Slytherin." He points his finger at me, "You are also a Slytherin like me don't forget." He went silent again.

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