Chapter 16- The One I Fear

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Maxine's P.O.V.

I wander the halls once again with the same book in one hand. Testing my luck for another night hoping I wouldn't get caught or at the very least I haven't yet. But for tonight my luck wasn't as lucky as I had hoped. There was a smell that lingered in the halls and smelled like something rotten something unbelievably unpleasant making me want to vomit, "I know your here... somewhere..." The same demonic voice that has been embedded into my mind as if it were yesterday. I could hear a low musical tone emitting from my wand warning me of danger that lurks as if it knew there was something that couldn't be easily seen. I quickly pressed my back behind the wall, hiding and hoping it would disappear as Regulus pressed a finger to his lips. It was difficult to be silent was I breathing too hard or was my heart beating so loud it could hear it? I bit my lip feeling extremely anxious and my heart betrayed me as I had hoped it would be silent as these halls. The smell is so unbearable it could make you vomit and I started to feel nauseous at each second that passed by so slowly and painfully. "Come on out I know you're here.... We can even play a little game... just you and me." I can already imagine its rotten teeth smiling so wide that it would look abnormal. Its nails are broken yet sharp around the edges. "I found you!" It yells as I turn left and right to see nothing I hear it sigh in disappointment.

But then footsteps started to approach where I was and my anxiety went up. Should I run or should I stay? "Why are you hiding from me." The voice changed to Professor McGonagall's voice deceiving me and tempting me to peak out. I know you're here." It finally peaks around the around where I was its hair flying and looked tangled. My breathing grew heavy as I saw it staring and its wicked smile that haunts me at night and sometimes in dreams. "Run!" Regulus says as I bolted running. I Ran so fast I didn't even look behind me as I ran inside a classroom closing the door shut with Regulus near and the book still in hand. My back leaned as I tried to control my breathing better hoping I could calm myself. "Bang! Bang! Bang!" I could feel the door move as it knocked on the door violently and once again my heart raced as it started to ache.

I had the urge to open the door to this demon and let it do as it pleased the urge to give up knowing I was cornered in this room with no hope of escape. The urge to let it in and hope it would leave me alone. I could feel the door moving as I used my body pushing it shut. "Mrs Potter I know you're in there. Open the door this instant." My voice changed again and now it sounded like Professor Snape. "Colloportus" Regulus says monitoring his hand as if he had a hand towards the door. I take out my wand imitating the same motion as Regulus, "Colloportus" I say as the door stops for a moment. "Don't forget you have the holy water and the rosary." Regulus reminded me. How could I have forgotten about that I let fear cloud my judgment. I frantically search for the wooden rosary as I pull it from under my shirt making it visible and then I search for the holy water which was kept in my pocket but I left it there in case the demon case closed I wouldn't want it to see it.

I went to stand behind the desk where the professors would sit, "Alohomora" the voice of Snape said as he opened the slowly door in his appearance I pointed my wand at him unsure if it was him or the demon. "Miss Potter I'd advise you to put your wand down" He approaches me with his wand at the ready, "Stay away from me. You can stop pretending to be my professors I won't fall for it." I say backing away as I point my wand at it as if it were capable of harming a demon. "Have you perhaps gone crazy Miss Potter? I won't repeat myself put your wand down." perhaps that's what a demon would say to get me off guard. I looked at the door as I planned my escape, "It's not the demon." Regulus says, "How do you know it's not? It was using McGonagall's voice." Regulus approaches Snape as he waves his hand in front of his face with no reaction. "There's no one else here Miss Potter. Who are talking to?" Snape questions with an expressionless face as always. I put my wand back down as I try to come up with an excuse, " I'm talking to myself." I say as I shrug. Maybe I should have just said I don't know which always works and stops people from asking any further but knowing Snape he would've been as suspicious as he is now. "Hmmm." Snape gives me a strange look as if I have gone crazy. "Miss Potter it is against the rules to be up this late." "I-I couldn't sleep." he looks at the book that I had in hand as he snatches it away from my grip before I can even take it back.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09 ⏰

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