Chapter 12- Back To Hogwarts

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Maxine's P.O.V.

The wooden rosary lay in my hand as I gripped it tightly and anxiety consumed me,

"Maxine...Maxine!" a hand was waving in my face as I saw the twins and Hermione who were standing in front of me. "Are you alright Max." says Hermione with a worried expression on her face as she looks at the rosary, "I didn't know you were religious." "well no, I'm not religious."

"Oooooo so what's this." Fred quickly snatched the rosary out of my hands before I could even. "Pass it over here Fred!" Fred tosses it to George who inspects it before tossing it back to Fred. "Hey give that back!" as I try to take it back he raises his hand with the rosary in his hand as I jump to reach it. He teased around as he kept moving his hand from left to right. He then tossed it to George as they played around as if the rosary was a ball to toss around. Soon it was in Fred's hands and I shortly gave up I looked up at him in envy of his height as we stared at each other which felt like it lasted for eternity. After a moment he gave a warm smile which gave me a tingling sensation in my stomach making me wonder if this is what it feels like to have butterflies in your stomach. "What do you say?" Fred says teasingly as he waves the rosary around, "Can I pleasssee have it back." his smile widens as he hands back the precious rosary. "What even is that?" Says George curiously as he points to the rosary but thankfully Hermione explains the rosary, "Most muggles who are religious tend to hold a rosary to pray for their god. But I would have never thought you would be interested in that." "well someone I knew gave it to me," I say as I put on the rosary, hiding it under my shirt.

"Where's Harry and Ron? I was looking for them but there were nowhere on this train." Hermione says. "Weren't they behind you Max?" George questions as I shake my head, "They were but when I looked behind me they weren't there." my voice filled with anxiety as Hermione sat next to me. "Oooooo Ron's getting in trouble." the twins snicker as they sit in front of us. "I'm sure they'll find their way to Hogwarts." Hermione lays a reassuring hand on my shoulder as I agree. "I hope you're right."

We continued to converse for a while until I ended up falling asleep hoping that the ride to Hogwarts would end which it did. But as I waited in the Dining Hall of Hogwarts neither Ron nor Harry appeared.

It was until the next day and I ended up waking late as Pansy gave up trying to wake me. I quickly dressed up forgetting my messy hair and once again the stupid tie that I will forever forget putting on as I headed out of the common room and sped walked to class.
All of a sudden I felt a hand on my shoulder. "Max you won't believe what happened to us." Says Harry as he pulls me aside while I pull him into a hug. "Where have you been I've been worried sick about you." "What about me? I'm here too you know." Ron says as I wave my hand at him.

They shortly explained the whole situation they ended up in, "are the both of you insane." I speak in a loud whisper to not attract any unwanted attention. "It was the only way to get to Hogwarts."
"But you could've crashed." I said scolding both of them but before I could say anything else Harry cut in, "We should be headed to class otherwise we'll be late." My eyes widened as I bolted into a run toward our class. I've already been late a few times last year and I can't afford to get detention again.
We all stood in our brown uniform waiting in the Herbology class as the professor arrived. "Morning, everyone. Good morning, everyone." She repeats making sure that every single person hears her. "Good morning, Professor Sprout." Every student says in sync. It's my first time having Herbology class which is somewhat exciting with so much nature around.

"Welcome to Greenhouse Three, second years. Gather around, everyone. Today we're going to repot Mandrakes. Who here can tell me the properties of the Mandrake root?" Of course, Hermione raises her hand ready to answer the Professor. Hermione starts stating the properties as I stand to the left of her while I gently touch the leaves of the mandrake before me waiting for her to finish.

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