Chapter 10

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As soon as his head hit the matress, Minho's tongue diving on his collar bones, Jisung wasn't worried for his hard on no more.

He was already rock hard, painfully hard, it hadn't even started yet.

He was expecting Minho to be somehow tender and playful as he arrived, but he got surprised, in the best way, by getting his lips latched to his and ass groped.

Minho's hunger was exactly what he needed. He spent too much time those last weeks waiting for someone to destroy him and Minho was right on this way.

He felt happy he had put a nice scenting lotion on him earlier, appreciating the way Minho was literally smelling and biting his way on his chest.

"You smell really good" Minho said as he raised his head, grabing the hem of Jisung's shirt.

Jisung didn't answer, he only helped him taking his own shirt off before, unbuttonning his own pants hurriedly.

"Why so pressed ?" Minho asked with a smirk lingering on his lips, grabbing his hands and putting them over his head.

Jisung swears he felt his dick twitch at the tone.

Teasingly and putting on a show, Minho snatched his shirt away from his body, letting Jisung appreciate how sculpted he was. He hadn't seen it at first, mostly because of the fact he was turning his back on him that first time. But now that he has a good look on him, he can only clap the efforts the older puts on his physique.

Feeling a mouth on his clothed dick, he let out a groan, an obvious one that he knew Minho would tease for later.

There was two options. Or Minho was completely unconscious, mouthing at his dick like he was a safe boy to suck. Or he was teasing the shit out of him. But both answers seemed correct at the moment.

His dick finally free from the too-tight underwear, he could only watch with half-lidded eyes the way Minho slowly stroked him, his wirst moving in circles in a 'i want to tease you until you die' way, his thumb pressing on his tip just so perfectly. 

He hated the way his breathy moan put a beautiful smile on Minho's lips.

Annoyed at the way he was facing him, and wanting nothing more than get filled in already, he turned to lay on his stomach, arching his back and propping his ass up to hint at the older to go on.

He heard Minho chuckle at the silent demand, before feeling a pillow being pushed under his hips, as he gladly accepted the attention.

He waited to feel any kind of feeling at his rim, only sensing the way Minho kneaded at his ass like had never seen any.

Finally sensing the older's lubed thumb pushing at his rim, he sighed in contentment, pushing his ass back to get more of the feeling he craved.

He moaned contently as he pushed his ass back and forth, appreciating the way his finger got in so easily and was already making him aroused.

The buck of his hips came to a halt as Minho laid a hand flat on his back, removing his thumb to push inside two other fingers. Minho felt delighted upon hearing Jisung's whimpers and slight shake; the grip the boy had on him was insane.

A the third finger, Minho challenged himself. He pushed inside rapidly, stroking the boy's prostate on repeat to purposefully bring him on edge, loving the wet little sounds joining in with Jisung's whimpers.

He watched, fascinated, the way Jisung was humping over the pillow to keep himself even more pleased until Jisung's moans got higher and higher, and that is where he stopped, just before he could cum firstly, under Jisung's frustrated whines.

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