Chapter 62

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"Hello, Jisung right ? Get in, Minho had started dinner before going out" Minho's mother smiled sweetly at the boy.

"Give me your luggage, I'll bring it to Minho's room, get comfortable" Minho's father offered, and Jisung almost stuttered at the sweetness of the family.

That's where Minho gets his gentleman behavior.

As soon as they entered the kitchen, Jisung bowed to his parents, thanking them endlessly for accepting him there, and apologizing for any disturbance.

"No need" Minho's father said.

"You're Minho's friend, right ?" His mom asked, smiling softly.

"Yes" Jisung said

"No" Minho responded at the same time.

They looked at each other, frowning.

"Yes or No ?" His dad asked with a chuckle

"Um... I-" Jisung stressed, blushing furiously.

"He's my partner" Minho corrected, not an ounce of shame in his words.

"Partner ?" Minho's mom asked, amused.

"I- We're together- But like- No ?" Jisung stuttered more, slightly panicking.

"Okay okay" She chuckled "No need for more details, I get it" 

"Minho, don't you treat the boy well enough for you to be a boyfriend ?" His dad teased, nudging him with his shoulder.

"No No!" Jisung hurried to defend him "He treats me very perfectly- It's not that !"

"Don't worry Jisungie, he's playing" She reassured with a chuckle "Well, make yourselves comfy, I'll finish the dinner for you Minho, show Jisung your room" 

"Okay, thanks mom" Minho smiled, grabbing Jisung's hand and bringing him upstairs.

"They're really sweet" Jisung commented

"They are" Minho smiled softly "The cats are in the other room, if you want to meet them too"

"I will" Jisung said, looking around the room curiously "It's really ... you" He commented

"Thanks ?"

"It's just ... so reassuring" He said about the room, smiling to himself

Minho liked the comment, already feeling all fuzzy.

"I need a shower, I was jogging when you texted me and I'm kind of dirty right now. Make yourself comfortable, I'll come back soon, mmh ?" Minho said, before quickly pecking his cheek, and leaving for the bathroom.

Jisung sighed, sitting on the boy's bed as he picked up his phone.




arrived well in gimpo ??



he came to get me at the train station

and brought me home

i met his parents



when's the wedding


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