Special chapter

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Back to Minho's house in Gimpo.

"What are you doing ?" Jisung giggled, Minho's kisses on his neck tickling him.

"Devouring you" Minho mumbled against his skin.

"How are you always so hungry for me ?" Jisung asked, still giggling.

"Have you seen yourself ?" Minho asked with a frown

"Are you saying that I look like a slut ?" Jisung asked jokingly

"Yes" Minho responded, before getting nudged by the younger "I just really want you all the time, must be love" He smiled sweetly.

"Love doesn't always mean you have to have sex" Jisung corrected

"That's true, and perfectly fair" Minho chuckled "But I love you and I want you" He smiled cutely "If you want to" 

"Give me 10 minutes ? I still didn't ... shower ... everywhere" Jisung said, a bit embarassingly.

"You can say you're going to be douching, no need to be ashamed" Minho reassured

"I've seen people finding it disgusting before" Jisung shrugged, standing up from the bed.

"I fuck you in the ass Jisung, how could I find that disgusting ? I prefer knowing you've been douching instead of finding out you haven't during sex" He chuckled.

"That's true" He chuckled "I guess some people just care about the sex, without caring about the fact bottoms always have to prepare for this"

"Is it annoying for you ? To douche ?" Minho asked curiously

"Depends" He shrugged "If I'm too tired, kind of yes" He added, going to his bag to search for some things and some clothes

"You know we can be intimate in other ways if you don't feel like douching" Minho reassured

"I know, and I don't doubt you over this" Jisung smiled "But now I kinda want to take a shower and have you breaking me later on"

"I'm good with that too" Minho smiled "Should I join you in the shower ?" He asked slyly

"There's things you don't need to see" Jisung chuckled

"I wouldn't even mind" He shrugged "I could do it to you if you ask me" 

"You're too sweet for this world" He mumbled to himself, before smiling at the boy, and waddling away to the bathroom.

When Jisung came back in the room, Minho opened his eyes widely.

Jisung was staring at him from the door, towel hanging around his chest and covering his body. He had a weird look on his eyes, and Minho felt intrigued.

He suddenly smirked when Jisung closed the door, and let the towel swiftly fall from his body, his naked glory making Minho unresponsive for a moment.

"Damn" Minho commented, gaze tracing his skin.

"You said your room was soundproof, right ?" Jisung asked, slowly walking to the bed.

"It is" Minho responded

"Cool" Jisung smiled, straddling the boy's lap.

"Love, is anything red ?" Minho asked, hands joining his waist and caressing the soft skin.

"You can pound me however you want, but don't be harsh with your hands" Jisung said

"Define harsh"

"Don't slap my ass or my skin, don't bruise me, don't choke me" Jisung asked softly

Sex, Alcohol and Lee Minho - MinsungWhere stories live. Discover now