Chapter 32

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Moving their lips in sync, Minho could still taste the sweet coffee lingering on his tongue. He liked it, and it soothed him. But even with the boy completely over his lap, he just couldn't bring himself to appreciate the moment.

When Jisung's hand lowered down, brushing over his crotch, but he just didn't feel aroused.

He was about to notify the fact that he wasn't in the mood, but Jisung beat him to it.

"You okay ?" He asked, looking at him with softening eyes "You seem out of it"

"Sorry" Minho winced "I thought I would be in the mood, but... I'm just not in"

"Don't apologize" Jisung frowned "It's okay, you don't have to" He reassured, standing up from his lap.

"Yeah.." He responded, still a bit out.

He lost himself in his mind for some time, trying to decipher why he had been so blocked. But in all honesty, he knew. His brain was just stucked on what happened on the last friday. On the fact that Jisung might be leaving soon for someone else.

But he heard some shuffle around him, waking him up. He turned his head, watching as Jisung put his beanie on, smiling softly at him.

"I'll let you have some rest and some time for yourself, mmh ?" Jisung said, smiling kindly.

Minho wanted to tell him to stay.

"Bye Min !" 

The words stayed stucked in his throat.

And at the sound of the door closing, he couldn't help but feel his cheeks wet in tears.




can i ask you something ?


yeah ?



i was at minho's

and he usually is super fucking amazing


he was bad this time ?


well, no

but like

he just wasn't into it


it's very okay

but like

do you think i did something unflattering ?

did i do something to disgust him ?

did he find me ugly today ?

would you know why ?

he wasn't even hard

i thought i pleased him...



the boy is head over heels

ofc it's not that

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