Chapter 67

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"Min-" Jisung complained.

"Trust me, you're doing good" Minho reassured

"I- No" Jisung whined

"Honey, just keep on like that" Minho insisted

"Okay- Okay" Jisung responded.

He was gripping at his arms like there was no tomorrow, while Minho walked forward, guiding a blindfolded Jisung through the hill.

"Is it over ?" Jisung asked, chuckling embarassingly.

"Yes" Minho chuckled, hands delicately taking the mask off.

And Jisung gasped at the sight.

He had brought him in such a pretty hill, prepared a big blanket that seemed a bit too comfortable, with tons of little plates with candles and food.

"Min..." Jisung pouted cutely

"Don't feel too bad, I did that for you and happily" Minho reassured, softly pushing him to sit on the blanket.

"This is so nice ... When did you cook all that ?" Jisung asked

"This morning, while you slept" Minho smiled

"That's why you weren't snuggling to me" Jisung pouted

"Sorry" Minho chuckled

"Thank you" Jisung said, moved, as he leant in to peck the boy's lips.

"My pleasure"

"A guitar ?" Jisung asked, smiling to himself

"I asked Chan" Minho chuckled "I know you like that, and I thought maybe you could play something for me"


And here they were, like in some kind of bohemian dream, as Jisung played lightly the guitar while Minho laid on his legs, completely immersed and entranced on the sight.

They ate, played, laughed, and Minho was burning.

"Hannie" He called, unsure, but eyes staring fondly at the boy.

"Mmh ?" Jisung asked, smiling down at the boy.

Minho smiled softly, raising his body to cup the boy's face, and kissing his lips as few times. As soon as he detached their lips, he sighed.

"Jisung... Do you think, you ... you would like to be with me ?" He asked softly and cautiously, eyes analyzing every single of his expression "For real this time".

Jisung's eyes widened, and he gulped anxiously.

"I- ... You...- I"







yesssss ???



i think i messed up


what ???


remember minho was taking me on a date today

Sex, Alcohol and Lee Minho - MinsungWhere stories live. Discover now