Chapter 69

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"Happy Birthday !" They yelled in unison, smiling widely as Minho finally entered his appartment.

Minho smiled brightly, turning to Jisung with an interrogative gaze.

"I lied" Jisung giggled "I didn't actually forget the spare keys at home, I gave them to Chan so they could get here secretly"

"Smart" Minho chuckled "I knew something was weird when they all got suddenly busy today"

"Happy Birthday by Minnie" Chan said giddily, forcing him into a hug as Minho let out a shriek, a disgusted expression painting his face.

Jisung only laughed loudly at the interaction, making Minho smile proudly.

Jisung giggle as he grabbed Minho's hand, pulling him to the kitchen.

"You really wanted to do it for me, mmh ?" Minho teased.

"I'm tired of seeing you drink beer" Jisung said, cutting lemons "You deserve a cocktail"

"Alright love, do it for me" Minho grinned "I'll give it back without the tail later on" He joked, smiling proudly at the pun

"You creep" Jisung faked offense

"You love my jokes" Minho defended, pecking the boy's cheek.

"I don't" Jisung rolled his eyes "I only get along with Mini-Min"

"It's true that you two have some kind of connexion" Minho chuckled

"Well, if it weren't for him, we wouldn't be here" Jisung shrugged.

"Right" Minho responded, arms lacing around his waist as he pressed into him, backhugging him while he waited for his drink.

"Back off, fucker" Hyunjin joked as he entered the kitchen "The boy will give you your birthday fuck later, not in that kitchen" He nagged

"I'm just hugging him" Minho defended, hands raising as he stepped backward.

"I don't care" Hyunjin commanded, pushing Minho out of the kitchen "Now go play away, Jisungie will bring you your drink right away"

Minho hadn't time to answer before the door closed on his face.

"Okay, so we got the cake you asked for" Hyunjin chuckled, fiddling with the bag under the table "The bakery was long as fuck though, but we got it !" He exclaimed

"Thank you Hyunnie" Jisung smiled "It's a bakery Minho follows on Instagram, I know he likes them ... and I did command a special something" He chuckled, opening the package.

Hyunjin laughed loudly as he glanced at the cake.

"Let's bring it along with the cocktail" Hyunjin offered "I'll go switch off the lights" He said, hurrying to the living room.

Lights out and singing, Minho smiled brightly as he watched his boyfriend bring him his birthday cake, the candles lighted and the boy wearing a bow on his head.

"Are you the present ?" Minho asked, smiling cutely at the boy, as he still didn't have taken a look at the cake, too concentrated on his lover's cuteness.

"Of course" Jisung responded playfully.

Upon noticing how most of his friends were laughing, he looked down, glancing at the cake.

And he laughed loudly as well.

"A magic birthday for a magic dick ... Really Jisung ?" Minho asked with a loud laugh.

Sex, Alcohol and Lee Minho - MinsungWhere stories live. Discover now