Chapter 15

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you're at the studio rn ?






i won't go out later


oh ?

whyyy ?



seungmin asked to see me

and to have a talk

and i actually would like to


ooooh that's so nice

you'll tell me how it was


sorry to let you alone


nah it's okay

i prefer knowing you'll fix it w seungmo

i'll convince changbinnie to go with me


you're the best

love ya


Jisung let his phone on the table as Changbin and Minho entered the studio together, both greeting the younger.

"What are you doing tonight Binnie ?" Jisung asked with a soft smile

"Some hang out with guys from the writing class" He said

"Can I tag along ?" Jisung asked, smiling widely

"I don't want to babysit" Changbin whined

"I'll be safe, I promise" He reassured

Minho snickered at that.

"Wanna come with us Min ?" Changbin offered

"Nah, I'm good" He responded, taking his hoodie off to be more comfortable for the recording.

"You should come with us" Jisung said, turning to the boy with a hint of a sly smile.

"Mmh, really ?" Minho responded

"So you can babysit Jisung" Changbin chuckled

"It's not convincing me" Minho blinked

"So we can at yours right after" Jisung added with his innocent smile.

Changbin faked a gag.

"I'll think about it" Minho responded, grabbing his lyrics sheet and entering the cabin.

As Seungmin arrived, he sat on the couch, and mindlessly scrolled on his phone, not wanting to enter the weird ass conversation the two boys were having.

"I can't believe you convinced him to go out only by letting him fuck you" Changbin proudly stated "He's whipped for you, I'm telling you"

"He's still not convinced" Jisung rolled his eyes "And he's whipped for my ass, that's pretty much it"

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