Chapter 2

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Dedicated to _pallavi_k and sunshinesakshee 


Chapter 2

Opening my eyes I made my way towards the bathroom. After finishing the morning business I wrapped a towel around.Going through my clothes debating what to wear I  looked at the time, it's already 9:30. Crap !

Dressed in a purple bikini and pairing with it with a creamed colored see-through crop top and denim shorts. I pulled my hair in a messy bun, grabbing my flip flops I made my way to the kitchen.

A plate of freshly cut fruits, a glass of water, yogurt and a plate filled with toast, eggs and bacon was already placed on the counter.

I finished my breakfast took a beach mat, shades and headed for the beach.

Taking the same spot as yesterday and making a comfy layout at the beach i laid down. It was times like this I missed everyday. The carefree time when you don't have to worry about who's watching you and when you don't have to impress everyone.

All my life I tried to impress my parents being the good child I am, attending social events and wearing all those designer dresses. I believed one day they would let me be me but no all they cared about their reputation and money.

Laying under the sun watching the view. I was so lost in my thoughts that I didn't see somebody approaching me.

"It's beautiful isn't it?". The person said flopping down beside me with a thump hence pulling me out of my thoughts.

"Yea it is." I replied after a while.

We sat there in silence for a few minutes before he spoke again.

"So ......Are you new around here? Haven't seen you before."

"Yeah, I'm on a vacation for a few days. "

"I'm Jackson by the way" he said looking in my direction.

And for the first time I turned and looked at him, and, ' GOD he's damn hot'. With those sexy eyes blondish Brown hair that looked messy yet sexy, well defined abs and toned body. His trunks riding low on his waist. He sure could pass for a Calvin Klein's model.
I didn't realize I was blatantly checking him out , but hell I don't regret it.

"Um...." I cleared my throat. ".....I'm Ava ".

"Ava.....nice name."

"Well , thank you" and I Ava Ross was smiling to myself, well I couldn't help it. He's cute, charming, handsome and sexy, and my name coming from him felt like silk rolling off of his tongue.

" So what a beautiful girl like you is sitting here all alone"

"You could always accompany me "I replied with a wink, blush creeping on my cheeks.

And just like that our conversation began. We talked about nothing and everything. He was from New York as well was here with his friends for a vacation. His favorite color is blue, he likes his pasta in red sauce and little things like this. He asked me the same about myself. Just like that time flew and was time for us to part our ways, since it was getting hot.

He walk with me to the house, "see you again tomorrow?"

"Yeah sure" I replied with a smile. "Bye".

Just as I turned around he asked " Um Ava......?"


"Will you go out with me tomorrow? Like spend a day with me?"
He asked rubbing the back of his neck and biting his lower lip. The action made jelly jolly feelings in my stomach and I couldn't help but think how cute and damn more sexy he looked. With his look he could definitely make a nun blush. And without skipping a beat I replied "yes".

He smiled and pulled me in for a hug. I was shocked but relaxed after few seconds.  We stayed like that for quite a time and I felt warm, safe and comfortable in his embrace, Never have I ever felt this way. It brought a felling of being loved and cared which I missed for a long time.

My parents never showed this type of affections. They said it was a weakness and to rule there is no place for weakness. So this type of affection was kind of foreign to me.

Just as he pulled away, I felt cold, I wanted him to hug me and I wanted to stay just like that and' what the hell am I thinking, I just met him.'

We stared at each other for a while and then with a heart crushing smile, he bid his goodbye.


I decided to take a cold shower to beat the heat and remove the sand sticking to my body . Sitting in the tub I relaxed letting out all the pent up tensions leaving my body.

My thoughts drifted to the certain sexy blond who not only impressed me but also made a special place in my heart.

Let me tell you not everyone is able to befriend me. Some people only are with me to get popularity. But Jackson was not like that he was just unique in his own way. I didn't know how longer we talked but his company was worth the time. Not once he asked about my family. It was just like talking to a stranger but quite in a friendly way. He was a keeper I can definitely say that.

My body felt numb due to staying longer in the cold water. Getting out of the tub and dressing up I thought if many ways to fulfil my day but I couldn't come up with a good idea.

Since it was only noon I decided for a short nap.

I woke up at the sound of my phone buzzing somewhere around the room .

Frantically throwing my hands here and there I found my phone. What does Jess wants at this time of the day. I answered lazily "hello......"

"Where are you....?"

"Huh.....home?" It sounded more like a question being still sleepy I couldn't comprehend what the other person said because at this time I only wanted to go back to my dreamy sleep.
" still there....?

" yeah......"I replied not yet ready to come out of sleep.

" okay.....then I was thinking what about going to a beach party" she asked

This definitely brought my senses back. I was party person . I hardly missed any party it was the only thing I loved , it brought the real me out. In the darkness no one can see you and you can enjoy to the fullest.

" what time...?" I asked

" I can pick you up at 7" jess replied. Wasting no time I ended the call with short bye. It was 5 and I was having enough time to get ready.
It was better to eat something before going so, After filling my hunger i made my way to my room.

I decided on a black skater dress with white and red flowers on it. I wore my brown gladiator sandals and pulled my hair in side braid. Applying some liner and mascara to my lazy eyes and lipgloss on my lips i was ready to go.

By the time I was ready it was 7 already. And there was a knock on the door. I picked my phone and house keys and made my way to the front door.

"Wow...even though its summer, you look hot." Was jess's comment.

"Thank you." I said with a small smile.

We made our way to the beach. It was a different part of the beach though. A small stage was set up near it was the DJ's corner then there were drinks and people..loads of people. And even in that crowd I found someone I met only few hours ago but yet he managed to capture my interest. We both looked at each other for a while and with the biggest smiles on our faces we made our way to each other. Jess was long gone somewhere in the crowd dancing and talking to people she knew.

"Hi beautiful " GOD his looks and voice could surely kill someone someday.


"So want to dance?"

"Yeah...sure..why not."

And just like that we again were lost in our own world.

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