Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

Today I felt like I am in cloud nine. I don't know why but I had a feeling that something good is going to happen. Jess and Peyton had already declared me crazy but they were happy to see me not sulking and actually anxious for the party.

I wore a golden dress that came to my mid-thigh. I felt as if I was on a display yet I felt sexy. The back was open but in front it had halter neckline. Jess made me a messy updo that actually looked good. In short I looked elegant and sexy.

For the past ten minutes I was twirling like a child and couldn't even take my eyes off me. Jess and Peyton were busy doing their makeup, it left me to spare some time taking pictures.

"Common you two we don't wanna be late for own party", I shouted.

"Says the girl who didn't even wanted to go in the first place", Jess replied as she walked out of the bathroom.

"Yeah yeah yeah.....whatever", I said rolling my eyes at her.

Peyton came rushing from the bathroom and picking up her clutch. "You continue this on the way. Now come on", Peyton said and pushed jess to move out of the room. I picked up my clutch and followed them to the car.

"Well Jess was right what made you suddenly change your mind and readily agree to come." Peyton asked. She was our designated driver for the night that gave me and Jess free pass to get drunk.

"Because it is good to have fun and not think of problems for once", I shrugged. It seemed pretty good reason to me.

Peyton looked at me as is she don't believe me and said, "You know we'll be there for you no matter what" and Jess agreed with her.

"I know and that's why I love you both", I smiled at them telling them that I truly did.

We arrived at the lounge and at least four bouncers were standing outside the gate. Getting out of the car we walk to the entrance and showed our id and got inside.

The music was loud and floor was filled. As I scanned the crowd I came across many familiar faces. Some went same school with me and some were my father's business associated children.

Peyton pulled me to the bar and ordered three shots for us.

"This is going to be so much fun", Jess shouted over the music.

"Let's do cheers shot and then we will dance", Peyton said as bartender brought our drinks.

"To the new changes and happy life", three of us clinked our glasses and downed our drinks.

The liquid burned slightly but it was what I needed to let loose. The three of us moved to the floor and danced as if there was no tomorrow. Everything vanished as I let the music flow through me. Everything around me was a blur.

After what felt like an hour of dancing I was exhausted. Moving towards the bar I ordered a drink. Many came to wish me happy married life.

I felt as if someone was watching me, turning around I saw Jackson leaning against one of the pillars across me. He wore a white t-shirt that stick to his body, jeans that hung low on his hips and a leather jacket that gave him a rustic look. His hair was styled in his messy way.

The way he was looking at me brought the memories back. His stare had my insides churned. All I wanted to do was lock us in a closet and have my way with him. I took a deep breath to control my raging hormones.

This isn't me talking. I have to behave or else I would do something I will surely regret in the morning. I turned and chucked down another drink.

"Woah princess go easy. This isn't your first time drinking, is it?" Nolan said as a pair of hands engulfed me from behind. He kissed me on the forehead and came to sat down beside me.

"Nope...and you're late to our party", I said raising my eyebrow at him.

"Sorry I had a meeting and came here as soon as possible. So how come you are not dancing"

"I had my share and I was exhausted so took a break".

"If your break is over will join me for a dance", he asked extending his hands towards me. Looking behind him I searched for Jackson but he was not there. Politely I took is hand and we both went to the dance floor.

With the music I lost myself. All my worries, my pain was gone. I couldn't help but smile at him. The Nolan I knew now is sweet, caring, charming and still a playboy. I know we're friends but what scares me is what will happen after marriage.

"Care to share what's going inside that mysterious head of yours", he asked.

Chuckling. "I was actually planning your murder. But couldn't decide whether you would like slow or fast", I joked.

"Oh princess, that's easy fast and," he breathed against my ear, "hard".

I playfully pushed him. "Pervert", I said laughingly. "Excuse me I'll be right back".

I walked towards the bar in search of my two best friends who ditched me a long time ago. Nolan was talking with one of my cousins. I must tell you she's a bitch and would throw herself at every man with good looks and of course, money. Nolan looked a bit uncomfortable but he has handling good. Rolling my eyes at her, some people just doesn't understand when to give up.

I scanned the place. Peyton was talking to some guy that I'm sure was in my class in high school. What was his name? I think Brandon. Yup.

Jess was nowhere in sight. I ordered a gin and tonic, looked at my phone for any new messages. Many people had tagged me on Facebook. Some messages were also there how cool the party is and we should hangout sometime. Yeah as if they were really going to remember me tonight.

Jackson was also in some of the pics. I haven't seen him after our little staring episode. I looked around to find him, but I wished I hadn't.

At the end of the bar he was kissing some girl. Bile raised in my throat. I almost wanted to gag. Tears filled my eyes. What about the things he said to me was that all lie. Every second I felt my heart breaking down into pieces. I was furious. All I wanted to was break every fucking bottle on his head. How the fuck could he. After saying he had feelings for me then goes around kissing.

His eyes widen in shocked when he saw I was looking at him. Hurt flashed in his eyes. The nerve of him to look hurt. I gulped down my drink to numb my senses even a little and ran out.

Tears were now pouring down my face. I couldn't think. I couldn't see. Behind me I could hear Jackson running to catch with me.

"Ava it wasn't how it looked like. Please let me explain." He pulled me back to stop and jerked me towards him. He held my hands captivated behind me. His breath fanning across my face.

"Explain", I breathed slowly.

"I... I'm sorry".

"I said explain", I shouted. Pushing him back. "Why the fuck you were sticking your tongue down her throat". I was fuming. "You said all those thing to me or was that all just a lie or a joke to you. I was just another girl for your time pass, wasn't I. I didn't know you would move pretty fast after making me believe that there was something serious between us. You're such an asshole. I fucking hate you".

I was a mess now. I wanted to be alone and far far away from him. I tried moving past him but he pulled me back and pushed me against the car. I was trapped.

"She throwed herself at me. I was coming over to talk to you when she suddenly kissed me and the same time you looked up. I swear I didn't even talked to her." He explained. "I like you... and I know you are the one for me".

I sucked in a breath and pursed my lips.

He continued. "I love you. You fucking ruined me for every girl out there. You're it why don't you get it". I know he was saying the truth. My heart constricted in my chest.


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