Chapter 9

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My phone kept ringing for past hours. I knew it was Jess trying to reach me but I couldn't find it in me to answer her call. I don't know what I should say, I'm sorry and that I'm getting engaged, wish me luck. I'm hopeless.
The phone ringed again, taking a deep breath I answered the call.
"Where the hell have you been?" Jess shouted, this was not what I expected. "I was so worried for you. You didn't even told where you were going and just vanished like a ghost. Stupid, stupid, stupid.....were you ever planning on answering my call".
"ehhhh.....I think I did answer your call right now", I pointed out.
"Don't you smart mouth me here".
"I'm sorry Jess". I apologized to her, I don't know what else to say. These were the only words through which I could tell her how sorry I was and guilty too for leaving her without any explanation.
She was awfully quite for few minutes. Sighing she replied, "I guess you have a lot of explaining to do missy".
"Yes, yes, yes, thank god......I love you so much Jess", I was relieved that everything went well. "Jess, I would really like if you came to New York".
"I guess I can".
"really. Okay, then I guess I will see you....."
"Tomorrow it is". I was so happy right now. I should just have talked to her earlier. But it was all better now she isn't angry at me any more. Twirling aroung in my room I fall on the bed smiling to myself. It was after a long time, I mean few days, I was truly happy again. All well's that ends well.

Today was the big day, my engagement. When I was child I always dreamed of a perfect life. I would have a perfect boyfriend and he would propose me in his romantic ways and then we would get married, have children then grandchildren. I guess life doesn't go how you want it to.
Jess arrived yesterday. She was very patient and understanding when I told her about my marriage. I was itching to know about Jackson but I refrained from asking her about him. That would only open the doors to my feelings and I wasn't ready to face it yet. Jess knew that and never questioned about anything related to him.
Time was trickling like sand. I was starring in the mirror wondering about everything and nothing at the same time, how's that even possible.
Jess and Peyton both came into my room, standing behind me they hugged me. I guess that was what I needed my two best friend. Jess and Peyton instantly clicked together. Now it was our trio. I didn't need to worry about having friends that would bitch about each other. I was in luck in friends department.
"You look beautiful Ava". Peyton said. I wore a princess pink ball gown with diamonds studded in the bodice which flowed down from my waist. My hair was in an elegant braided bun with some diamond in it. My makeup was minimal to give me a natural look. Slipping in my heels I was as ready as I can be .
Cascading down the stairs I saw the place was filled with people. Only some close family and friends were invited to the party, of course media too. The place was glowing with the lights, filled with the sound of people chatting away. In the background you could hear soft music playing. Some guests were dancing on the stage, some were enjoying the dinner.
My parents were chatting with Nolan's parents but he was nowhere in sight. I greeted few of the guest I knew, each one congratulating me and telling me how lucky I was and giving their blessing. I moved to accompany my parents.
"You look beautiful darling". Cassandra said pecking me on cheeks. She was always warm towards me just like a mother would towards her child. I never got that type of affection from my mother.
"You look beautiful too", I replied with a smile.
With a few greetings and compliments everyone was back to their conversation. Jess and Peyton had found themselves some date for the night and were dancing away. Few minutes ago Nolan returned to the table apparently he had gone to attend some important call. He kept asking me to join him for a dance but I wasn't in the mood.
"It wouldn't hurt to dance with me. I won't bite I promise". Nolan said jokingly, I tell you the guy is so stubborn he doesn't take no for an answer. I was about to give him an earful but seeing my mom glaring at me I immediately stood up. It was just better to have few minutes of hell than a day with it.
Nolan and I both stepped up on the stage soft music was flowing around us. With a slight bow Nolan offered me his hand. Accepting the offer I placed mine in his. With a little tug he pulled me towards him and placed his other hand on by back, my free hand was placed on his shoulder. As the music continued I was at more ease with him. He kept making silly jokes but now I was comfortable with it, I was even laughing at some of them. He was a good dancer he told me how his mother asked him join few dance classes when he was younger and how it helped him to win girls over.
"You're not much of a talker, are you?" he asked twirling me around.
"I think you just have to find out about that", I replied winking at him.
"Oh the flirty miss Ava".
"I'm much more than that", which made him laugh. We both enjoyed fooling around. Never have I enjoyed flirting so much. We both know that we were stuck in this situation and it is better to get along. We can be friends right.
The song ended and we both got back to join our parents at our table.
"You both looked so lovely dancing together", my mom said tucking a loose strand behind my ear. I just smiled at her and took a sip of the wine. I think I'll need that if I have to survive this one night.
My father stood up and clinked his glass getting everyone's attention.
"Thank you everyone for joining us on this auspicious occasion of my daughter's engagement." Looking at me he smiled, "she has grown in a wonderful women and I can't believe she will be a bride in few weeks. It feels just like yesterday she was young my little Ava running in the whole house with her doll in one hand and she's turned into this beautiful lady that can stand on her own. Baby girl I love you". With a pause he said," Cheers to Ava and Nolan". And he raised his glass to clink it with others. Everyone said cheers in unison and raised their glasses.
Nolan and I were asked to stand at the centre so that we could exchange rings. I was nervous as this would make me feel that everything's real and it was happening. Both my friends stood beside me I could see they were sad for me yet they smiled. They knew I wasn't ready for this but I had no choice.
My and Nolan's parents stood around us. Everyone was smiling brightly. I forced a smile on my face too, being sad wouldn't change anything. I looked at Nolan and he smiled at me comforting me that it wouldn't be as bad as I'm thinking it would be. Taking the ring from his mother he asked for my hand. I placed my hand in his. Slowly he slipped the ring in my ring finger. The ring was beautiful a platinum band with a heart shaped diamond in the middle. Any girl would be so happy to have this moment. Looking at the ring I realized that my fate had been sealed, this was it. My first step towards getting married.
Closing my eyes I calmed myself and looked up. But what I saw I couldn't believe. Instead of brown eyes I was met with blue eyes. I felt the world stop around me. Emotions were creating a storm inside me. I don't know what I felt at this moment. I saw hurt flash in those eyes but it was gone as soon as it appeared. Feeling someone shaking me slightly I turned around to see Peyton giving me the ring. I took the ring and slipped it on Nolan's fingers every time feeling those eyes on me watching my every move.
I didn't dare to look up again. I just wanted forget it like it was a bad dream but the dream just got even worse.
I heard Nolan say," hey mate, I thought you wouldn't make it".
"Well it was my best friend's engagement why won't I be here. I'm glad I came". You could feel the hurt in his voice or was it anger. I knew he was looking at me every once in a while.
"Ava meet my buddy Jackson. Jackson this is my fiancé", Nolan introduced us. Little did he know we have already met.
"It's nice to meet you Ava", Jackson said extending his hand for a shake. I shook his hand feeling all the familiar tingles ran up my arms the same way it felt when we first met.

Hello everyone, I hope you liked this chapter.

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