Chapter 4

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Dedicated to riyanareliya

Chapter 4

"There you are..........." I jumped slightly startled by the voice interrupting us.

"God Jess you scared the shit out of me. "

"Oh, and what about the heart attack you gave to me. I was so worried for you. I thought someone took you and drugged you..... oh my God I don't know what I would have done......where to go......whom to call........."

Jess was so worried about me and I felt guilty that I left without telling her where I was. But now she's started with her rant about me getting kidnapped and drugged.

"Jess listen to me......" I pleaded her. But she just won't stop.

"..........if someone used you and God knows killed you and I would have never found you. I would have been so guilty that all that happened to you was because of me. And when people ask me what would I say to them. That because of me you are dead. And what I would say to your family............oh my God...."

Now this was way out of way.
"Jessica I'm sorry" I didn't want her to feel guilty at all because it was my fault that I went with Jackson and didn't told her. Yeah because you so badly wanted to spend time with Jackson. Yeah I know,will you shut up for now.....idiot subconscious.

"Yes now you're sorry." She is beyond mad at me. I didn't know she is so scary when she's mad, oh god please save me. And here we go with another a long lecture from her about how childish I was for not taking care of myself and wandering alone at night to God knows where.

"I'm sorry, it's my fault....."huh what was that, oh yeah I totally forgot about Jackson being here with us. I was about to say that he don't have to be sorry but what caught my attention was that Jess's rant had finally stopped.

It is so amusing to see the shocked expression on her face laced with surprise. Every time she open her mouth to say she closed it immediately. It took all in me to not laugh at her with the way she's acting like a fish.

"'s okay." Finally she could say something at last . I can see blush rising to her face. And her eyes checking Jackson out. Someone please tell her he's not a piece of meat. To save Jess from misery I decided to break the awkward silence between us.

"Jess he's Jackson and Jackson meet Jess" I said finally gaining Jess attention back or let's say bringing her back to real world.


" the way I'm sorry for bringing Ava here."

"No no...... it's okay........ totally fine " she stammered little bit. She looked so funny, oh god if I had a camera.

"Umm, I think we should get going. " I said eager to get out of here or I'm sure in next few seconds I will be laughing like a maniac with the way Jess is acting and her so adorable expressions.

" yeah " both of them replied at the same time.

"Ava you still up for tomorrow right ?"Jackson asked. I could tell he was unsure that I will say yes or not.

"Of course " he's an idiot to think that I won't come.

"Okay, I'll pick you up at seven." He smiled in that cute way that made my stomach flutter and all the butterflies were back.

We said our farewell and made our way towards the parking lot.


I know Jess talked too much but this is getting over. After I told her about me meeting Jackson and everything I know about him she just kept on rambling.

"......he's totally an eye candy. I can see he likes, I think you should just bang him. "

"Jess, will you please stop your nonsense" but it was good idea to bang him. If I can't keep him I can still have him for some doesn't sound too bad. Wait a sec I'm not like this urgh.......Jess is so rubbing on me.

"What........if you don't want him. I will be happy to have him all to myself." She said with a wink and grinning like Cheshire cat.

"Jess you can't be serious" oh my God this girl is totally crazy.

"But baby girl I'm damn serious" she replied , laughing. All I could do was shake my head. I don't know how I will survive here specially with Jess.


Looking myself for umpteenth time in the mirror I was still not sure about my look. Jackson didn't told me where he was taking me so I decided to wear a white sundress with red flowers on it and matching it with white pumps, and keeping minimal makeup on and letting my hair down. I guess I looked fine.

Anytime Jackson would be here and I'm so nervous. To calm myself down it is best to pace around and try to control my nerves. It wasn't my first time but still I don't know why this was a big deal for me. Because you want to impress him.

No, I don't want to.

Admit it you do. I know because I'm you.


The doorbell rang breaking my train of thoughts and my pacing. Taking a deal breath I opened the door but the first look of him took all air out of my lungs. In plane white t-shirt and jeans he was looking handsome and sexy and his hair messy as if he had ran his fingers through them many times.

" look beautiful." He greeted with his signature smile.

" too" why is it so he always makes me blush every time.I'm so acting like a teenager I have to get myself under control.

"So where are we going ? " I asked him as we made our way to his car of course after locking the door.

"It's a surprise sweetheart." He replied with a small smile.

"Didn't I tell you I hate surprises" I asked raising an eyebrow at him.

"I don't know. But I think you'll survive this one." Oh no..... I'm so going to be dead due to anticipation.

It was fun being with him. I tried many ways to make him tell me where we were going but he is so stubborn. So I decided to let it go and have fun.

"We are here."Jackson said. Finally, after twenty minutes of driving and our horrible singing we reached.

Looking out of window I gasped seeing the beautiful view before me. We were on a small hill top from where you can see the whole town covered with lights and yup ocean. Whole town was shinning with night lights and it was full moon night making the view breathtaking. The water was shinning under the moonlight and you could see a lighthouse casting light over the ocean. The cold wind making my hair in all directions. It was just like a dream place. It is the second time today Jackson amazed me.

"You like it ?" Jackson asked.

"I love it. It's so gorgeous." I replied turning to look at him with a bright smile on my face.

"I know. I wasn't sure what you like but I brought sandwich, burger, choco lava cake and coke."

" I know I'll love it, by the way choco lava cake is me my favorite"I replied with a smile.

Then I noticed he actually planned a small picnic, kind of. But it was cute and I think nothing could be any better than this. I think the night is just beginning to start.


Hello everyone I hope you like this chapter, if so please vote.
And I tried to make it as good as possible and sorry for mistakes and grammar.

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