•|Chapter 22|•

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He pushed Y/n into the confined space of the bedroom, she stumbled, her body colliding with the unforgiving floor. The thud echoed the abrupt shift in their relationship.

Y/n felt the force of Jungkook's push, stumbling to the unforgiving floor. The thud echoed a shift in their relationship, the tension palpable in the tense silence that followed. Jungkook, his expression a tempest of wrath, closed the door with a force that sealed her fate within its walls.

"N-no, please," Y/n's voice wavered, desperation lingering in the air. Her wide eyes implored him to reconsider, fear manifesting in the tremor of her limbs.

He, a statue of anger, eyes smoldering, accused, "You thought you could escape, didn't you? Run away from everything we had?"

Y/n, still on the floor, attempted to steady herself amidst fear and confusion. "No... No more excuses. Now, it's time for actions."

As he loomed over her, the room felt increasingly claustrophobic. The lone lamp cast eerie shadows, emphasizing the thick tension in the air.

Y/n, her voice steady despite fear, pleaded once more.

Jungkook's monologue continued, each word a dagger into what they once were. "You think I can let you walk away? After everything? You're mine, Y/n, and you can't run from that."

The room, now a chamber of discord, held the weight of their shared history and shattered trust. Y/n's attempt to stand went unnoticed as Jungkook paced, anger a stormy sea threatening to drown everything.

"I won't let you ruin what we had," he declared, possessiveness turning the room colder. "You belong here, with me."

"But what you've done... You need a punishment," she lost her soul. He took out his belt, and fear filled her eyes.

In the room's ominous glow, Jungkook's actions spoke of possession, Y/n caught in the crossfire of their fractured connection. The dialogue exchanged was a turbulent dance, punctuated by the echoes of despair.

As he circled her, the belt in hand, Y/n's voice remained steady, a defiant plea, "N-no.. You can't d-do this... "

His response was an icy declaration, "Believe.. I can.. This is the consequence, a lesson for you."

The room, now a battleground, witnessed the struggle for dominance. Y/n, a captive audience, faced the impending punishment. Jungkook's words were a harsh reality, each syllable cutting deeper.

The belt descended with a sharp, resounding crack. The haunting echo filled the space, carrying with it the weight of pain and the shattering of their once-intimate connection. Y/n's anguished screams pierced the air, forming a heart-wrenching harmony with Jungkook's stern words.

Jungkook, his face a mask of unyielding resolve, continued to unleash his verbal onslaught, each word cutting through the charged atmosphere like a blade. "You thought you could just walk away? You thought you could escape the consequences of your actions?"

Y/n, tears streaming down her face, struggled to find a voice amidst the torment.

Amidst the agonizing symphony of cries, Jungkook's monologue seeped into the room like venom. His voice, filled with possessiveness and anger, declared, "You're mine, Y/n. You can't run from that. You thought you could just erase everything we had?"

As Y/n endured the sharp pain with silent suffering, Jungkook's dark monologue continued, "You thought I'd let you go, let you escape the consequences of tearing us apart? No. You're bound to me, and you will feel the weight of what you've done."

The room, once a witness to their shared moments, now bore witness to a grim tableau of pain and discord. The glow from the lone lamp cast eerie shadows, dancing with the agony that unfolded within those walls.

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