Birthday 3

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Jungkook looked at me like he was already expecting me to be there. As soon as I noticed him, his shoulder rose up a little bit as he put his hands inside his pants pocket.

I took a deep breath and approached him slowly while he waited there patiently with his eyes fixed on me.
" u wanted to meet me?"

And that's how our first ever conversation started. I told him about my party and that I wanted to invite him.
But then I realised I only brought two cookies, not the invitation card I made for him. I could feel my eyes welling up that exact second.

Jungkook looked at the napkin in my hand, as he realised I didn't bring the card.

"What do u have there?"
I tried my best to not make a fool out of myself and bit on my tongue to stop sniffing before answering,

" u made them ?" Came his sweet voice.

I only nodded my head silently, cuz I knew that if I speak my voice will break and i will definitely mess up.

" u invited everyone with cards, will I be the only one to be invited by your hand made cookies if I take these now?"

I stood there, dumbfounded for a second. Back then I didn't know what he was trying to imply, but I certainly could feel that unsettling sensation in my chest and stomach.

I nodded again to answer his questions. He came two steps closer and softly took the napkin from my hand.

I could hear my heartbeats when he was opening the napkin to take a look inside. A trillion thoughts train was running crazy inside my head as he slowly unwrapped them.

What if the design is not good? What if he doesn't like the taste? Are they too hard for him to chew?

And many more thoughts of these sort forced me to sweat even when it was freezing cold.

I looked up at Jungkook as sensed no movement from his side, only to see a beautiful and ethereal smile on his face.

He looked at me and I immediately shifted my eyes to his long, masculine, fingers that have been holding the cookies.
" they will serve perfectly in place of an invitation card."

I was so happy that day, when I got home, I ran into my room, hopped on the bed and smiled like crazy the whole night, thinking about the moment, when he hugged me for giving him the cookies and inviting him to the party.

The hug was just a comforting and assuring thingy for us, assuring me that he will be there for my party tomorrow.

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