New Year 3

348 21 14

Tae's backless dress grazed against Jungkook's front, causing her body to shiver with the newfound warmth emanating from him.

Jungkook pressed sweet kisses against her ear, his voice deep and filled with longing. "How long will you make me wait? I've been waiting forever."

Tae visibly tensed, her arms tightening around herself as his words penetrated her mind. He turned her around so they faced each other, and the first thing he noticed was her beautiful, milky skin—the dress accentuating her soft appearance more than he had anticipated.A surge of possessiveness coursed through Jungkook. He wanted to whisk her away, take her upstairs away from prying eyes, reserve her solely for himself, and love her as if there were no tomorrow.

Noticing her downcast eyes, he leaned against the wall in the darkest corner of the room, holding her close to his chest. He had been searching for her, waiting all evening. When he caught sight of Jimin with Suga earlier, he knew Tae was there. As much as he disliked how close Jimin and Tae were, he was grateful Taevy had Jimin beside her; he knew Jimin would go to any lengths, even murder, to protect her.

Jungkook ran his fingers gently along Taevy's soft face. The touch made her close her eyes and grasp his sides where her delicate hands rested.

Her slightly trembling lips beckoned him, and he leaned down to kiss her gently.Taevy responded immediately as if she had been waiting for it. She hugged him softly, her warmth and softness calming Jungkook.

She always had this effect on him. She was his comfort zone, his calm, his sanity, his soft spot, his relaxation—everything he never knew he needed.

When he pulled back to let her catch her breath, her flushed, panting face tempted him to the point where he feared losing control and crossing all boundaries then and there."Oh, my Cinderella, the self-control and restraint I practice for you!" Jungkook chuckled at his own thoughts.

"Kook..."Taevy's soft voice made Jungkook smile like a child who had just received his favourite toy.He pulled her closer. "You look so beautiful, my love."

Tears welled up in Taevy's eyes at his words. Jungkook wondered why; did his compliment mean that much to her? Then he would make sure to compliment her every single time she left him awestruck with her otherworldly beauty.

Taevy went on tiptoe, wrapping her arms around his neck in a tight hug.Jungkook didn't know what he did to deserve this, but he cherished the hug as if it were the most precious thing on earth.

"I love you," Tae announced with a voice filled with both joy and vulnerability.Jungkook smiled against the crook of her milky white neck, planting sweet kisses. "Love you more, baby angel."When he pulled away, a smirk of satisfaction played on his lips, seeing his inevitable red marks decorating her neck.Now everyone at the party knew—Taevy was unavailable and untouchable.

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