Dear diary

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Dear diary,
I met a boy.
Who's too good to be true,
and who could bring down the sky.

He's sweet,
and he's caring.
He's understanding,
and he's daring.

He says the right words,
at the right time.
He calms me and my overthinking down,
each and every time.

He's like the sunlight in the early morning,
or like the moonlight when it's pitch dark.
He's like that secret spot in my diary,
or like my very personal fairy.

He knows when to do and what to do,
how to do and why to do.
There's hardly anything that I don't tell him,
hardly anything that he doesn't know.

He's that compulsory medicine,
which I have to take once a day.
He's that beautiful dream,
which I'd love to have everyday.

He's the best,
he just doesn't know it yet,
I plan on telling him soon,
but not now, not just yet.

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