Maybe I wasn't made for you..?

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Okay, here we are,
I can't seem to stop thinking about you.
And then there's you,
who has forgotten me god knows since when and for who.

I love you,
I don't even remember how many times I've said this lately.
Not to you but to myself,
god, I almost messaged you briefly.

It's been a pretty long time,
and maybe I am counting the days, years and months.
I miss you so much,
that I have irritated all my friends with your stories.

Not that those stories are happy,
they are nothing but sad.

My friends have been continuously telling me,
that you didn't ever deserve me.

My brain knows that they are right,
it knows that it's something by which I should abide.
But for some goddamn reason,
my heart takes a step back each and everytime.

It's trying to hold on to something which was never mine.

It's trying to ask for something which I'd never ask for in my right mind.

This. This is the last time I am saying this to you.
I love you.
And if it isn't enough for you to like me back,
then I guess I'll have to accept that I wasn't made for you.

All the words I couldn't sayWhere stories live. Discover now