Not a joke anymore

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I actually love you,
and I am not even lying.
The times we spent together,
are more than enough for a lifetime.

I miss you so much that it hurts,
and that it makes it impossible to forget you.
You've metioned your name on every page of my diary,
whether or not I am writing about you.

We played cricket together,
and badminton and football.
You were excellent in everything,
that's something I can remember.

Whether in olympiads or sports,
you always had your name given first.
And if you won or not,
you never mentioned it in front of others.

You probably knew that I liked you,
maybe you considered it as a fun crush.
But since the day I left you,
not a single day has gone without remembering that crush.

You're a great sportsperson,
was exactly the line you said when I was leaving.
Being so into you already, I thought I couldn't fall more harder,
but I did, I fell for you even more than I had already.

I actually love you,
and I am not even lying.
The times we spent together,
are more than enough for a lifetime.

All the words I couldn't sayWhere stories live. Discover now