What made you fall for me?

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I want you to tell me,
what exactly made you fall for me.
I am nothing special than the others,
that's a fact which I had accepted way back already.

So, tell me,
is it the way I speak?
Or is it the way I scream?
Ah, well you wouldn't have ever heard me scream,
except when I wanted an ice-cream.

But still,
is it probably the way I smile?
Or is it because you think that I have way too much time?
Well, if that's the case, then let me warn you,
it's not that easy to make me fall for you.

I remember way too much,
I forget way too little.
And if this is a bet of yours,
then there's still time for you to apologise a little.

I swear I'll forgive you,
I'm really good at forgiving.
But if you choose to hide the truth,
then I could give you a lesson for life which I long before,
considered not worth a lie.

If it's a bet,
and making me fall for you makes you the winner,
Then let me warn you for the last time,
I won't fall for you sooner or later.

But if it's real,
and you really love me.
Then I need you to tell me,
what exactly made you fall for me.

All the words I couldn't sayWhere stories live. Discover now