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I played guitar,
with each string attached to my heart.
With each strum my heart gave a plea,
which I hadn't completely accepted, until lately.

A plea for everything to end,
if not my sorrows then for the world to bend.
Bend enough so that I could smile,
not this one, the one which I have left behind.

My smile which I don't see now,
my smile which everyone adored as far as I know.

My guitar holds pieces of my heart,
some pieces which, even if broken, should never part.
Hence I keep my only guitar,
the closest to my heart.

It has those secrets which no one knows,
it has that tenderness which only I own.
It has the power over me to make me smile,
it has the power to make me fall in love, a little more each time.

All the words I couldn't sayWhere stories live. Discover now