All this is momentary

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It's insane how your mood can depend on just one person,
on just how they look at you.
On whether or not they message you,
on whether or not they remembered you.

The very moment the message pops up,
indicating that they remembered that you were waiting for it.
The happiness that you feel,
it's as if a candle has been lit.

I remember waiting for someone's message like this,
I remember getting overjoyed like this.

But all this is momentary,
nothing's gonna be the same hereby.
Rather it's going to make you weary,
and broken, if you wish to cry.

He was your worst nightmare,
remember that from now on.
No one's taking that place in your life, I know,
but you've gotta learn to grow.

Grow above these heartbreaks,
grow above and give your head a shake.
Love the way you were taught when you were a kid,
live the life you imagined when it was on your father's back that you rid.

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