Maybe next time

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I could write and write and write,
till my heart ran out of ink.
But even then, the tears would flow,
each and every time I'd try to blink.

You could give me a hundred reasons
why I should hate you.
Yet I'll find the hidden one,
the one that'll make me like you.

You could ask me to leave you a million times,
yet I'd choose to stay with you for every other lifetime.

You could take away all the happiness from my life,
yet I'd be the happiest one on Earth if you were in my life.

You could ask me every second, every minute, every hour of the day that why do I care,
and every single time my answer'll be, because I love you and so I care.

You could say that you don't love me,
but I'd still stay cuz you'd need me.

Maybe this lifetime wasn't for us,
maybe this time we weren't meant to be.
But I promise in the next one I'll be yours,
in the next one, we'll see.

In the next one, even if the whole world would be against us,
we'll still end up together.
In the next one, even if we're seperated at the start,
we'll still, End. Up. Together.

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