You're my best friend

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Dear best friend,
this is a love-friendship letter to you.
I am not saying this directly,
so I want you to know that this is for you.

You've been the greatest support system of my life,
a support system which I didn't know existed before I met you.
You've been there with me through every phase of my life,
and I think that's why I've locked you as my best friend for the rest of my life.

You might think I am a bit too sweet and stupid and cringe and all sorts of things,
but trust me, that's only because I let you know me this much.
If I wanted, you would've known me from when I was five,
and still you wouldn't have known a single thing about me or my life.

I trust you,
I trust you with all my heart.
And I swear on everything,
this trust will never be earned by anyone else even if we live miles apart.

I've heard from people you know.
That trusting someone is my choice,
and breaking that trust is their's.

I hope I never see that day,
where you break me or my trust.
Cuz if that day ever comes,
I swear there won't be a single soul in the world whom I'll again be able to trust.

Believe me when I say this cuz I couldn't have said anything more true,
believe me cuz I love you.

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