Prince Pixel vs Niss

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While on the way to the entrance of the Graffiti kingdom, Pastel was helping Pixel learn how to use the Graffiti wand. First the young prince learns how to turn into a Graffiti creature, and then discovered that he can use the transformations to fight other Graffiti creatures that tried to attack and capture the group. Pixel: "Huh, I gotta admit, this wand is pretty cool... I wonder if I can create my own creature..." Pastel: "Well you can... but it takes a lot of practice to make one right." Jokeo: "Yeah, I remember the time when Pastel tried to draw a horse, only to make it walk sideways and the wings were not attached to the body right." this made Pixel laugh, while Pastel glared at the hyena. Pastel: "That was a long time ago!, I gotten a whole lot better since than!" Jokey: "Well if that's true, do you think that you can turn draw human forms of ourselves?" Pastel: "It's not that simple, the spell that changed you was a demon dragon spell, not a Graffiti spell like me or Pixel, so even if I do create human forms for you, you'll still be Toons instead of humans you once were." Jokey: "Oh... well it was worth a shot..." Pixel: "Wait... you four are humans?" Gidget: "Sort of... not anymore... thanks to the Demon Trio." Pixel: "You mean those dragons that were with the Graffiti Devil?" Tommy: "Yeah, they're a mean bunch, and they tricked us to turn ourselves into Toon animals... which caused all of our families to lose all memories of our existence..." Pixel: "You mean... they just forgot about you... wow... that's awful..." Tommy: "Yeah... and that was apparently a thousand years ago... meaning they're long gone now..." Pastel couldn't help but feel sorry for Tommy and the other Toon kids, before Pixel went to give each of the Toons a hug, much to their surprise. Pixel: "I'm very sorry to hear that... but tell me... did your parents loved you before you changed?" Gidget: "Yeah... they'd always put our well being before anything else, even their work." Pixel: "They sound great... I wished my parents did that for me..." Jokeo: "What do you mean?" Pixel: "Well... my parents the king and queen of the Canvas kingdom, they were always busy with their royal duties... hardly spent any time with me..." Pastel: "Oh Pixel..." said Pastel, feeling sorry for the young prince, before she went to hug him, trying to comfort him. Pixel: "I'm fine... at least I had the staff to teach me the things I need... even though it was really boring..." Pastel: "I'm sure they're just trying to help you become an adult, like the many generations before you." Tommy: "Hey guys... I think we're here..." said Tommy, before he and the rest of the group stopped to see the big gate doors that is the entrance to the Graffiti kingdom. Pixel: "Wow... it's even bigger than I thought..." suddenly, a big Graffiti demon, with a large tongue, named Niss (voiced by Micheal Naishtut), came to the scene, standing in front of the gates. Niss: "Who... goes there?!" Pixel: "Wha... what are you?!" Niss: "I am the Graffiti demon known as Niss, the guardian of the entrance of the Graffiti Devil's kingdom... who are you?" Pixel: "Uh... I'm Pixel... and this is Pastel, Tommy, Gidget, Jokey and Jokeo." Niss: "Nice to meet cha, anyway, I must know if you're demons or humans, for if you're demons, then I'll you in... but if you're humans, I shall take you prisoner, so tell me, which ones are you?" Pixel: "Come on?, is that a trick question?, I'm a hum..." before Pixel could finish, Pastel covered his mouth with her paw. Pastel: "Are you nuts?!, just tell him you're a demon and he'll let us in." Pixel: "What?, you mean lie?, no thanks, mother and father told me that I must not lie as it would lead me into trouble." Tommy: "Well that is true... telling lies do get you into trouble, like what happened to Peter Rabbit in the New Adventures of Peter Rabbit 1995 movie." Pixel: "Who... and what?" Tommy: "Sorry... different story... but you get the point." Pastel: "Yes that is true, but if we tell the guard that we're humans, we'll have no choice but to fight him." Gidget: "Maybe, but it's better than telling a lie, besides, it's not like this guy can beat us." during the group's chat, Niss was starting to lose his patience. Niss: "Hey!, are you gonna answer?!, what are you talking about behind my back?" Pastel: "Um... just a minute sir... okay Pixel, just tell him you're a demon and we'll go in." Pixel: "No way, I'm not gonna lie and that's final, alright demon, I'm a human, but don't let that bother you, just let us in please." Pastel: "Ugh... idiot..." Niss: "Ha!, 'just let us in' he says, sorry human, but if you want to enter the kingdom, you must first defeat me in battle, and if or once you lose, you'll all be my next dish." Jokey: "Uh... we might eat the food before you could if you try using us as dishes." Jokeo: "Uh... I don't think he meant that kind of dish..." Jokey: "Huh?... oh... that dish..." Pixel: "Whatever, but I should warn you, I never lose." Pastel: "But Pixel, this demon is on a different level compared to the creatures we faced earlier." Pixel: "Don't worry, I won't lose to some guy with a big tongue." said Pixel, before he used the Graffiti wand to transform himself into what looked like a rainbow colored bear called Rainbow bear, while Niss transformed into his battle form, allowing him to battle better and had forks for weapons, with knives around his body and had a single needle for a leg which allows him to spin around like a top. Tommy: "Not bad... but we got you outnumbered." ScreamClaw: "I begged to differ." said ScreamClaw, who along with ThunderSmacker and SpaceWarp, came to the scene. Gidget: "What are you doing here?!" ThunderSmacker: "In case you forgotten, you brats owe us your souls, and so we came to collect them." SpaceWarp: "Y-y-yeah... what he said..." Jokeo: "Pixel, you deal with the one with the tongue, the rest of us will deal with the trio." Rainbow bear Pixel: "Are you sure?" Jokey: "Yeah, we might not look it, but we can defend ourselves." Pastel: "Uh... I don't know... you never used your forms to battle before... and I don't even know if you can." Gidget: "Well... there's only one way to find out..." ScreamClaw: "Get them!" shouted ScreamClaw, before he and the other demon dragons charged towards the Toon kids, while Pixel went to battle Niss. Pastel was making sure to avoid the battles, but that didn't stopped her from cheering for the heroes. The Demon trio were using their pitch forks to shoot fire blasts at the kids, who managed to dodge the attacks however. ScreamClaw: "You're finished kids, for it's Toon season!" Tommy: "I'm pretty sure there's only four seasons, Winter, Spring, Summer and Fall." ScreamClaw: "I was talking about hunting seasons, you idiot!" Tommy: "Oh... but... I've never heard of a Toon hunting season... but I did heard of a Demon hunting season though." ScreamClaw: "What?!, don't be silly!, it's Toon Season!" Tommy: "Demon season!" ScreamClaw: "Toon Season!" Tommy: "Demon season!" ScreamClaw: "Toon season!" Tommy: "Demon season!" ScreamClaw: "Uh... Demon season!" Tommy: "Toon season!" ScreamClaw: "Listen you!, when I say it's Demon season!, I say it is!, and I say fire!" shouted ScreamClaw, before ThunderSmacker and SpaceWarp fired their pitchforks at him, causing his head to look like a skull with eyes. Once ScreamClaw snapped his fingers, his face was restored. ThunderSmacker: "Uh..." ScreamClaw: "You idiots!, I was trying to use reverse psychology on the brat!" SpaceWarp: "Gee... s-s-sorry ScreamClaw..." Tommy: "Whoa... that was close..." ScreamClaw: "Don't say that yet... for we still..." suddenly, a large rock landed on top of the trio, which was lifted and dropped by Gidget's psychic powers. Gidget: "Wow... good thing I got psychic powers." Jokey: "Why didn't you used it on them?" Gidget: "Cause Demons are like spirits, which are like ghosts, and ghosts beat psychic... you know like rock, paper, scissors." Jokey: "Oh..." Jokeo: "I wonder if Pixel won yet?" asked Jokeo, before he and the others see that Pixel was still fighting Niss, but it looks like the battle was to end. Pixel threw one more punch, and Niss turned white and fell to the ground, meaning that Pixel had indeed won his battle, as he changed back while Niss was now in some sort of ghost form with a halo above his head. Pixel: "Ha!, told you that I'll win!" Niss: "Oh just you wait, I'll get you next time!" said Niss, before he flew away from the scene. Pastel: "Well... not bad, but you're gonna need stronger Graffiti creatures to battle tougher demons than him... and speaking of which..." said Pastel, before she collects a card that was on the same spot where Niss was defeated, and gave it to the young prince. Pixel: "Huh?, I can turn into that guy's battle form now?" Pastel: "That's right." Pixel: "I wonder... do you think I can do the same with the Graffiti Devil?" Tommy: "Uh... I hope not... we're already in enough trouble with just one..." Pastel: "Well... now that the guard has been defeated, we can now get inside." said Pastel, before the gates to the Graffiti kingdom opens up, allowing Pixel and his group to get inside.

Graffiti Kingdom JDD VersionWhere stories live. Discover now