Prince Pixel vs Pallette

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Soon, Pixel and the Toon boys arrived to the part of the second realm of the third world where there were giant cakes and candy, where Pallette was supposed to be. After a little while of running through, and taking down some Graffiti demons, Pixel and the Toons arrived to the door where Pallette was supposed to be. Pixel: "So this is it?" Tommy: "No doubt about it..." Jokeo: "What kind of torture do you think Pallette is putting them through...?" Jokey: "Maybe forcing them to have a tea party with her?" Jokeo: "Bro, you said that in the last chapter, and once again I'll tell you, that can't be it." said Jokeo, before Pixel ran to the door and opened it fast and hard. Pixel: "Pastel!... what the...?" Tommy: "Gidget?" asked both Pixel and Tommy in confusion, as they see that Pastel and Gidget were not only fine, but they were having tea with Pallette herself. Jokey: "Told ya, you owe me a coin." Jokeo: "Darn..." Pallette: "How rowdy, don't you know it's rude to barge into a lady's room without permission?" Pixel: "Um... I just came to rescue Pastel and Gidget..." Tommy: "Speaking of which... you two aren't hurt right?" Pastel: "Well... not really." Gidget: "Other than the trio placed a bracelet on my tail to keep me from using my powers, and one on Pastel here so she can't change into her human form either." Pixel: "So... she did took you against your will." Pallette: "Are you saying that I kidnapped my darling Pastel and Gidget?!" Pastel: "Well... it's not too far from the truth..." Pallette: "Oh come on, I wouldn't harm my friends in my own will." Gidget: "Really?, well you sure have a hard time proving that." Pixel: "Look, just give back Pastel and Gidget, along with the key and we'll leave." Pallette: "You really think I would give up these two and the key so easily?, why don't you have the Prick Bird for a pet instead." Prick Bird: "Chip?!" said the Prick Bird, who was hovering above and shocked to hear what Pallette had said. Pixel: "No way, I don't want that bird." Prick Bird: "That stings... even though I don't know why..." Pallette: "Why would you want Pastel and Gidget back so much, they don't do much for you." Pixel: "Cause they're my friends, what other reason do I need to rescue them?" Pastel: "Pixel..." Gidget: "And is it because you have a crush on her?" hearing this made Pixel gasped in shocked and blushing a little. Pixel: "Huh?!, what are you talking about?!" Gidget: "I can read minds, and your mind lately has been filled of images of how Pastel was in her human form." Pastel: "Is that true?" Pixel: "No!, I don't know what she's talking about I uh... oh okay... I might have a little crush on ya since I saw your human form... but that doesn't change the fact you're my friend." Pastel: "Idiot..." said Pastel, before Pallette stretched out her arms and yawn a little bit. Pallette: "Is this romantic chat over yet, I want to show this boy how tough I am." Pixel: "Oh so you are gonna battle me." Pallette: "Of course... now let's get to the Colosseum." said Pallette, before she clapped her hands, and the whole group got teleported to the Colosseum. Soon, Pallette went into her battle form, which was like a chef with a big green bow on her back, while Pixel went into his mini Acryla form, ready to battle as well. As for the Toon kids, they have a battle of their own with the Demon trio, who came to the scene and have another challenge for them. ScreamClaw: "Alright brats, here's the challenge this time... last for 1 minute without getting a pie on your face and you'll win... or else your souls will be ours." ThunderSmacker: "Yeah, and let's not forget to mention that the pies are explosive." SpaceWarp: "Y-y-yeah... what they said..." Tommy: "A pie throwing challenge...?" Jokeo: "Pies that explode...?" Jokey: "Yum, I hope the pies are tasty." Jokeo: "Bro!, what part of 'exploding pies' did you not get?!" Jokey: "Oh... sorry." Tommy: "I don't care what they'll throw at us... we gotta save Gidget... no matter what." said Tommy with determination on his face. Soon the challenge started, and the Demon trio began to throw the exploding pies at the Toons. Each time a pie hits the ground or a wall, it explodes, but luckily for the kids, they were able to dodge each and every one of the pies. Tommy then started to catch some of the pies and began to throw them back at the Demon trio, much to the demons' shock and dismay. The pies hit the trio, which blew up at their faces, leaving nothing but skeletons of the trio, who were still alive of course. With a snap of his fingers, ScreamClaw used his magic to restore his body back to normal, along with ThunderSmacker and SpaceWarp as well. Jokeo: "Time's up, we lasted a minute..." Jokey: "So does that mean..." Tommy: "We won the challenge." ScreamClaw: "You might have won this time... but even if you beat Pallette, you'll be no match for the Graffiti Devil... or the 'Dragon' Devil for that matter." said ScreamClaw, before he and the other Demon dragons flew away from the scene. Jokey: "What did he mean by, the 'Dragon' Devil?" Jokeo: "Who knows... could mean anything..." Tommy: "Never mind about it for now... I wonder if Pixel won yet..." said Tommy, before he and the twins see that the battle between Pixel and Pallette was about to end. With one more punch in his mini Acryla form, Pixel managed to beat Pallette, who turned white and began to fade, meaning she lost. Pallette: "No... how could this be...?, how could I lose...?" said Pallette as she fell to the ground, while Pixel gets the last key, which was pink in color. Pixel: "Alright!, the last key!" Pastel: "Pixel!" Gidget: "Tommy!" said the girls, as they went to give both Pixel and Tommy a big hug, happy to be reunited with them again. Pastel: "Oh Pixel... I knew you would come..." Pixel: "Hey... it was nothing really, I mean that's what friends are for, right?" Gidget: "Oh Tommy... I'm so happy you're okay." Tommy: "Well yeah, it's not like those creeps' challenges are that hard for us." unaware to the group, Pallette was pointing her finger at Pixel, which started to glow, showing a sign that a beam was about to be fired from it. That was when Tablet came to the scene, saw what Pallette was about to do. Tablet: "Look out!" shouted Tablet, before he took the shot from Pallette instead to save Pixel. Tommy: "Tablet?!" Pixel: "Oh my gosh!, Tablet!" Pallette: "Silly Tablet... you might not recover from a blast like that..." said Pallette, before she turned into a ghost version of herself and floated away from the scene. Tablet: "Oh... well... I knew what would happened... but I just couldn't let you get hurt..." Pixel: "Tablet... you're gonna be fine... trust me..." Tablet: "Doubt it... but before I go..." Pixel: "Don't say that..." Tablet: "Pixel... before I go...I just have to tell you a thing or two... first off... I'm truly sorry about your mother and father..." Pixel: "What are you talking about?" Tablet: "Well... before we met... I saw your mother and father begging the Demon trio to spare you and the townsfolk... and made a deal with them to..." Gidget: "Oh no..." Pixel: "What?" Gidget: "Pixel... your parents gave up their own souls to save you..." Pixel: "No... that can't be..." Tablet: "I'm sorry... but it's true... there's another thing I need to tell you... I wanted to be your friend so that maybe... there could be a better future for both humans and demons... that's what Boney 10 once told me... and he was like... a second father to me... Pixel... can you promise me that you can make a better future for both humans and demons please...?" Pixel: "I... I'll try..." Tablet: "Good to hear... farewell..." said Tablet, before he faded away, and Pixel couldn't help but begin to cry. Pixel: "...No... Tablet!" shouted Pixel in sorrow, before he fell to his knees, heartbroken about not only his lost his parents, but also lost his friend. Pastel: "Pixel... are you okay?" Pixel: "Yeah... I'm fine... it's just... this is so much to take in..." Gidget: "Pixel... I'm so sorry..." said Gidget, before she went over to Pixel and gave him a hug, trying to comfort him. It wasn't long before the others, including Pastel, joined in to help Pixel as much as they can. After a moment of comfort, Pixel finally stopped crying, and got back on his feet. Pixel: "Come on guys... let's get that Graffiti Devil fast." Pastel: "You're right... we're almost there, let's go." said Pastel, before Pixel and the others went off to the doors that will lead them back to the entrance realm of the kingdom.

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